2022-12-26 Das Megadungeon Pamphlet
2022-12-22 GoToSocial instead of snac
2022-12-17 Answering questions nobody is asking
2022-12-09 Map drawing and monster picking
2022-12-04 Planescape is in your head
2022-12-03 West Marches on Mondays
2022-11-29 snac on the fediverse
2022-11-18 iPod, iPad, iPhone, iPiss
2022-11-18 I like my boring fantasy setting
2022-11-15 Move from Dehydrated to Apache
2022-11-05 Advanced Squad Leader
2022-11-04 Soldaten in Fantasy Ländern
2022-10-30 Hexkartenerforschung aufsetzen
2022-10-19 Speech to text transcription
2022-10-16 The development of the online RPG market
2022-10-10 Ich will etwas geleistet haben
2022-09-28 Character Backstory
2022-09-16 Campaign preparations
2022-09-10 Rollenspiel der alten Schule
2022-09-05 Summer Retrospective
2022-09-04 Music over the years
2022-09-01 Bookkeeping in the megadungeon
2022-08-29 Die OSR Fibel und ich
2022-08-26 AD&D Reibungsflächen
2022-08-24 Wildnisabenteuer mit ALRIK
2022-08-18 Bilder zeichnen für ALRIK
2022-08-18 A map generator for the terminal
2022-08-15 The Lure of the Wild
2022-08-12 Regelleichtigkeit und Orientierungslosikeit
2022-08-09 Players balancing encounters
2022-08-08 Doom (the original one)
2022-08-07 Spielerinnen, Spieler und Spielleitung gesucht
2022-08-05 Rewards in a small world
2022-08-04 More specific reaction roll results
2022-08-02 Tom Van Winkle’s Blog
2022-07-24 Putting ourselves out of business
2022-07-24 Decrypting MIME multipart messages in Rmail
2022-07-23 Solo Dungeon Development
2022-07-23 Collaborating on small things
2022-07-20 What about Javascript?
2022-07-15 The Joy of Exploration
2022-07-06 Trying to write a regular program
2022-07-06 My inability to write well
2022-07-04 Markdown instead of LaTeX
2022-06-30 How to communicate dungeon maps to players
2022-06-26 Small Internet User Survey
2022-06-26 Does email spark joy?
2022-06-23 The bane of the awesome scene
2022-06-17 Dungeon restocking roll frequency
2022-06-15 Eine Ordnung auf Produktbasis fördert den Produktefokus
2022-06-07 Science fiction halberts?
2022-05-31 RPG rules with gaps
2022-05-25 Gewaltfreies Rollenspiel
2022-05-19 Hex Karten selber generieren
2022-05-13 Die fürchterliche 2W6 Tabelle
2022-05-11 Sutr Tempel Playtest in deiner Runde?
2022-05-08 Gridmapper new release
2022-05-04 Quotes for hirelings and porters
2022-04-30 Hektodungeon auf Deutsch
2022-04-28 Mass combat instead of lots of rolls
2022-04-24 Warum ich kein Roll 20 verwende
2022-04-24 Traditionelle Zauber neu geschrieben
2022-04-22 Telefon am Spieltisch
2022-04-17 Rorschachhamsters Monsterhandbuch
2022-04-13 Retainers and hirelings
2022-04-07 Healing needs a bed
2022-04-05 Building Emacs 28.1
2022-04-03 Where does wiki spam come from?
2022-04-03 Magic is negotiating with the referee
2022-04-02 Halberds and Helmets
2022-03-27 Talking and fighting
2022-03-26 Projects for the benefit of others
2022-03-20 Torchbearers and bodyguards
2022-03-20 A mini-setting to start your Halberts campaign
2022-03-18 Self-proclaimed association and the pain it brings
2022-03-14 Listening to podcasts
2022-03-09 Hidden structures to game preparation
2022-03-04 It is not too late to bake bread
2022-03-03 Looking for T5 players in European or African time zones
2022-03-02 A short speech for Russian readers
2022-02-20 Caring for Amaryllis
2022-02-19 Death during character creation
2022-02-17 Montag in Zürich: Diverse Online Spiele
2022-02-10 No armour in Helmbarten!
2022-02-10 English edition of Helmbarten: Halberts
2022-02-08 NNCP distributed text
2022-02-07 Singing & Helmbarten
2022-02-06 Struggling with INN
2022-02-05 Short campaigns for new games
2022-02-05 Die wohlwollende Interpretation
2022-02-04 Wondering about NNCP
2022-01-30 German has no ligatures, sometimes
2022-01-24 The fediverse doing previews for the CO₂ god
2022-01-23 Gemini Mailing List
2022-01-23 Die Länge der Kämpfe
2022-01-22 Helmbarten Mini-Setting
2022-01-21 New Keyboard Layout
2022-01-17 Helmbarten und die Zufallstabellen
2022-01-14 Wondering about Fantasy Traveller adventure generation
2022-01-10 Helmbarten Charaktergenerator
2022-01-09 Schicksalsschläge bei der Charaktererschaffung
2022-01-08 Charaktererschaffung mit Helmbarten