I got up early and have a list of things to do, so naturally I’m sitting at the laptop, blogging. Through the open window I can hear somebody with a shovel working. It’s pretty quiet, otherwise.
I just stumbled over this question on Reddit:
Fellas, I really want to create a hexcrawl campaign but I’m very noob about it. Can you suggest me some resources to learn more about this style of mastering? Books, YouTube, blogs, everything is ok. – books or websites to improve the Hexcrawl campaign style
books or websites to improve the Hexcrawl campaign style
Here’s what I wrote:
Old blog posts of mine:
2019-10-05 Campaign Progression
2016-09-13 Rescuing the Sandbox
2014-07-28 Best of Sandbox Posts
Other people’s blog posts I found while skimming through my own blog posts:
The Old School is Pathetic – A Rant
Podcast episode that seems relevant: