Sitting in the train. I’m going to the office for the first time since the beginning of Corona. I don’t like it.
I’ve played two sessions AD&D on the German ADDKON Discord Server. Yay! Five referees split up the Greyhawk Wild Coast. There are plenty of games to be had.
I was mostly interested because the German/English Monday Games group I’m in with three referees in a shared setting – using a B/X D&D variant – is doing fine but I wondered about growing it. If we wanted to play multiple times per week, we’d need to find more referees, we’d need to see more games offered than we could ourselves play – if we wanted a truly open table.
So, how is it?
Positive: friendly people, open table, lots of stuff to explore.
They even have a bot to track time with all these wilderness adventures. If your ranger needs to spend a week training to level up, a short note by the referee marks the character as unavailable for all to see. The bot tracks all the notes and knows the Greyhawk calendar.
Negative: session time management.
This is probably my age showing: the first session I was in went from eight to midnight (4h). Yesterday’s session went from eight to half past one in the morning (5½h). I left around one.
My wife wants me to come to bed, her alarm clock goes off at a quarter to six in the morning…
I try to run very tight games. As a kid, we also played for endless hours, but when I started running games on weekdays with people having to get up early, I changed. We used to play for many hours on Sundays and from eight to eleven on weekdays (3h). Then Johannes fell asleep on a regular basis and we played from half past seven to ten (2½h). And now I’m running games from a quarter past eight to ten (1¾h).
That’s not a lot of time so there is not a lot of socializing – that needs to happen on Signal or Discord. I hope that we’ll remember to copy the good stuff to the wiki.
I need to figure out what to do. I don’t think I can play past eleven on a regular basis… 😒
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
I would love to play RPGs. I never did when I was a teen, and just played three one shots as a young adult. Now that I’m a “true” adult, with children and all, I’m kind of afraid that I will never find the time to play again…
– Adou 2022-04-22 05:13 UTC
Ah, don’t most people abandon their time intensive hobbies when they have kids? Part of life is replacing most sources of joy with the hopefully joyful experience of kids, and regaining a new set of sources as the kids gain their independence.
And perhaps you can play the games you want with your kids when they are ten or so. 😄
– Alex 2022-04-22 07:13 UTC
Yeah it’s perfectly normal 🙂
It’s just that I regret I didn’t play more when I still could 😅
– Adou 2022-04-22 10:14 UTC