gmisub aggregate

List of feeds

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Entries from the last month:


Alex's Gemlog -'s 1 under 30 list

Midnight Pub - littlejohn - Don't choose long passwords

ew0k is a Teddybear - Hollywood World Rescue

ew0k is a Teddybear - Advent of Bloggers 2021, Dec 2nd

๐Ÿค– kelbot's gemlog - Bread, smolZINE, Videogames and Records

Techrights -


ew0k is a Teddybear - Advent of Bloggers 2021, Dec 1st

Techrights -

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - The state of Steam on OpenBSD

smolZINE - Issue 15


Idiomdrottning - Out of the box vs Do it yourself

Idiomdrottning - User/Dev dialectics in FOSS

Midnight Pub - bitdweller - Self hosting

รvalos' Indie Gemlog - Re: Bronzie's 5Q Question Set for December 2021

Techrights -

moddedBear's log - November Is Gone: Thanksgiving, Burnout, and More


An Inhabitant of Carcosa - โ€” โ›ง Carcosa: /akogare no Paris/

Midnight Pub - jess_archer - Chag sameach!

Midnight Pub - jetgirl - How the hell are yall?

ew0k is a Teddybear - Time, Energy, Motivation: Pick Two

Techrights -


๐ŸŒด Palm93's gemlog - A break

Idiomdrottning - Azorius vs Simic at the compiler

Yet Another Tech Gemlog - โ€” Re: Link Rot

Midnight Pub - till-we-have-faces - It's all filters!

~ew's FlightLog - Link Rot

ew0k is a Teddybear - "Killing Zombie Children" and Other IT Terms

Techrights -

Beyond Neolithic Life - โ€” 'They Do Not Tell Both Sides of the Inflation Story'


skyjake's Gemlog - Lagrange v1.9

Idiomdrottning - Truth vs advertising in food and taste

Idiomdrottning - The Troublesome Bottle

Midnight Pub - canaryjacket - Operating systems

Techrights -

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - Nethack: end of Sery the Tourist


Joneworlds - epub - Making a Leather Belt

Idiomdrottning - How to fry

Idiomdrottning - Growth (and other problems)

Techrights -

Beyond Neolithic Life - โ€” The Odor of Things


skyjake's Gemlog - ANSI Select Graphic Rendition โ€” Gemini

Dmitry Bogatov (~kaction) place in internet - Having API is a good thing, but not even close enough - Nix on Guix notes

Midnight Pub - mellita - Apricitous Temperature Check

RAI Defense Industries - Notes on setting up Linux on an old education model ThinkPad

๐Ÿค– kelbot's gemlog - Some More Riffing on PDAs and TUIs

Techrights -

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - Simple network dashboard with vnstat

Beyond Neolithic Life - โ€” BNL post | Support the Wirecutter union walkout


Alex's Gemlog - Monthly Update: November 2021

Idiomdrottning - Most blank on the cinder

Midnight Pub - tetris - Hallelujah

~ew's FlightLog - Winter Sun

~ew's FlightLog - Sounds of the Nordic Islands

Techrights -

Drew DeVault's geminispace - My philosophy for productive instant messaging

Juan's Personal Gemlog - Not feeling it

GeminiLoggBookOberDadaisticus - Art spaces

Beyond Neolithic Life - โ€” BNL post | The Indestructible Law of Capitalist Corporate Management

Beyond Neolithic Life - โ€” Researchers Defeat Randomness to Create Ideal Code

2021-11-23 - Hat Band

Techrights -

moddedBear's log - Covers Better Than the Originals


Idiomdrottning - Email Netiquette

Idiomdrottning - The Holocene Calendar

Zach's Capsule - Status Update for November 2021

Midnight Pub - till-we-have-faces - Taking my seat

Midnight Pub - tskaalgard - Third-life Crisis?

~ew's FlightLog - Good News: Washing machine repaired

๐Ÿค– kelbot's gemlog - Computer Pranks and Fun

Techrights -

Beyond Neolithic Life - โ€” BNL post | I'm an alcoholic, it's hard, and for some reason this capsule is the only place I've ever wanted to write about it


Idiomdrottning - Punishment and validation

Idiomdrottning - Wrapping and raising

Idiomdrottning - define vs let

Idiomdrottning - Inliniac

Midnight Pub - tryops - Too good to be true

Midnight Pub - brewed - Sunday's Writer's Block

Midnight Pub - jgreene - Grumbling about dentistry

Midnight Pub - pr1ba - Grumbling about youth and actresses.

๐Ÿค– kelbot's gemlog - RE: Lightweight GUIs, TUIs

Impressions on Anime - My Neighbour Totoro / ใจใชใ‚Šใฎใƒˆใƒˆใƒญ




An Inhabitant of Carcosa - โ€” โš™๐Ÿค– Starting an Android Project

Midnight Pub - canaryjacket - Advice about breaking YouTube addiction?

~ew's FlightLog - Re: Geminispace Things, Two Open Questions

~ew's FlightLog - Towards a proper FlightLog 9 -- Adding index.html and feed.xml again

Drew DeVault's geminispace - An alternative to the Dark Forest hypothesis

AUGERS JOURNAL - new haven day trip

AUGERS JOURNAL - new haven day trip


skyjake's Gemlog - Miniprojects โ€” Life

ReK2, Hispagatos - Personal capsule - HacktheBox Wiki and Cold.

AUGERS JOURNAL - re-focused

AUGERS JOURNAL - re-focused


๐ŸŒด Palm93's gemlog - Dreams III

Gemini IOSA gemlog - Heaven ๐Ÿ“—

AUGERS JOURNAL - thought provoking end to the week

AUGERS JOURNAL - thought provoking end to the week

2021-11-17 - New Hardware

Midnight Pub - ew - Newspaper

~ew's FlightLog - Re: Reframing the philosophy of Gemini

~ew's FlightLog - Re: gmipay

๐Ÿค– kelbot's gemlog - smolZINE in the Flesh

AUGERS JOURNAL - hyper social again

AUGERS JOURNAL - hyper social again


Ben's Gemlog โ˜ช - Re: Shadow and Bone

Midnight Pub - kijetesantakalu - Shrinking the web...

Midnight Pub - inquiry - ticked at the tocks

The Home of HexDSL - Universal paperclips. A Clicker.

The Home of HexDSL - Dune: Messiah.

AUGERS JOURNAL - hyper social

AUGERS JOURNAL - hyper social


An Inhabitant of Carcosa - โ€” Twin Peaks and Meditation

Drew DeVault's geminispace - Reframing the philosophy of Gemini

Drew DeVault's geminispace - Status update, November 2021

smolZINE - Issue 14

้“&c. - โ€” How to publish a static site over NNCP

AUGERS JOURNAL - long walk, feeling good again

AUGERS JOURNAL - long walk, feeling good again


Idiomdrottning - GTD basics

Gemini Radio - Episode 35

~ew's FlightLog - Re: How many people is too many?

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - OpenBSD and Linux comparison: data transfer benchmark

moddedBear's log - Gemini Picks

้“&c. - โ€” Re: How you were using the Internet in the 1991-1995 and 1995-2005?

้“&c. - โ€” Running my blog on solar power

AUGERS JOURNAL - lexington avenue recovery walk

AUGERS JOURNAL - lexington avenue recovery walk


The gemlog at - Beginning the lap steel

AUGERS JOURNAL - recovering

AUGERS JOURNAL - recovering - A brief hypothesis about "normies"


An Inhabitant of Carcosa - โ€” โ™Š Germinal Update

Yet Another Tech Gemlog - โ€” finally getting off of reddit

Midnight Pub - eaplmx - Enough week for today

AUGERS JOURNAL - a grilled cheese and fries, please

AUGERS JOURNAL - a grilled cheese and fries, please - Old and New


Midnight Pub - 2pie - Being a programmer in a world with fewer computers

๐Ÿค– kelbot's gemlog - A Rare Break

panda-roux's gemlog - Re: gmipay

Beyond Neolithic Life - โ€” The Tragedy of the Worker: Towards the Proletarocene

AUGERS JOURNAL - random bout

AUGERS JOURNAL - random bout - A Jaunt Through Keyword Extraction


Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - How I ended up liking GNOME

้“&c. - โ€” Monopoly was originally satire

AUGERS JOURNAL - a bright day

AUGERS JOURNAL - a bright day


panda-roux's gemlog - Excited about starting a new job

้“&c. - โ€” Thoughts on the command line interface

AUGERS JOURNAL - dinner with a mentor

AUGERS JOURNAL - dinner with a mentor


๐Ÿค– kelbot's gemlog - Weather and Stuff

Beyond Neolithic Life - โ€” BNL post | Re: Working from home โ€” Random visits from your boss, landlord styles

AUGERS JOURNAL - walking and learning

AUGERS JOURNAL - walking and learning


๐ŸŒด Palm93's gemlog - Dreams II

skyjake's Gemlog - Putting Some Sparkle On It โœจ โ€” Lagrange

Midnight Pub - ahirusan - Still move outside from Google services

Midnight Pub - tskaalgard - How are we doing tonight?

Gemini IOSA gemlog - Parliamo di energia elettrica

Impressions on Anime - My Dress-Up Darling / ใใฎ็€ใ›ๆ›ฟใˆไบบๅฝขใ€ˆใƒ“ใ‚นใ‚ฏใƒปใƒ‰ใƒผใƒซใ€‰ใฏๆ‹ใ‚’ใ™ใ‚‹

AUGERS JOURNAL - compasses should point west now

AUGERS JOURNAL - compasses should point west now


AUGERS JOURNAL - boxing is dying

AUGERS JOURNAL - boxing is dying

Clifton's Gemlog ๐Ÿ’Ž - โ€“ A New Gemini Server Framework


๐ŸŒด Palm93's gemlog - Wasp

skyjake's Gemlog - Re: Making Gemini Easy

๐Ÿค– kelbot's gemlog - Just a Log

Beyond Neolithic Life - โ€” See Your Trash

AUGERS JOURNAL - bond is inspiring

AUGERS JOURNAL - bond is inspiring

Clifton's Gemlog ๐Ÿ’Ž - โ€“ Hello, World! - Localized Programming Languages


Dmitry Bogatov (~kaction) place in internet - A case against dynamic linking

Midnight Pub - eaplmx - Hobbies vs Profession

Midnight Pub - tskaalgard - everybody sucks

~ew's FlightLog - Commute

The Home of HexDSL - Dune.

moddedBear's log - Post-Covid

emilog - lighthouse for the damned

้“&c. - โ€” Old software

AUGERS JOURNAL - what ever happened to intellectual cafes

AUGERS JOURNAL - what ever happened to intellectual cafes - Keeping Gemini Difficult


InvisibleUp's Phlog - Redaction

mieum's rawtext gemlog - [็ญ”] Licenses, Internet Arguments, and Adaptation Avoidance - Making Gemini Easy

Idiomdrottning - What a copyright license can do

AUGERS JOURNAL - love in a diner

AUGERS JOURNAL - love in a diner