author: martin
Anyone here ride a Onewheel or an EUC? I'm very tempted to buy one, but would love to hear others' experiences.
In about 6 hours, I'll be giving a talk about my journey to learn Esperanto through building things. The talk will not be in English though, of course. Details here, if anyone's interested:
TGIF... long week. What's everyone upto this weekend?
Just in case you need a reminder of how bad the web is (it's a joke, but not far from some real web UX), try and fill this form in as quickly as you can! 🤣
Really happy to keep finding the energy for this project. Here's episode 3 of the podcast, this one with my good friend Rico.
Mi tre ĝojas, ke mi daŭre trovas la tempon por kreskigi la podkastan projekton. Jen la tria epizodo, en kiu aperas ĉies plej ŝatata italo de Reading, Rico.
Se vi bezonas RSS, jen:
It's been a while since my last /now update, so here's what I'm doing now:
Just finished recording my next podcast episode. I'm mega busy with creative stuff lately and it feels ace. 👌
This one took a while, but my second vlog is out!
Finally booked all my travel to this year's IJK ( and I can't wait. I will also be spending some time in Venice again after far too long. ☀️
Editing my second vlog and realising how easy people who are good at this make it look.
Just landed back into Manchester with such a tailwind that we bounced off the runway and had a second go. That was fun!
I love the Esperanto community. Simply because I'm here in Barcelona, 12 of us are getting together for dinner this evening. It's been said before, but if you want to make friends, learn Esperanto. 😌
After 9 months of head-down hard work, I'm finally taking a little break. The Fernweh is strong.
So with the little influx of folks coming into Station these past few weeks, I'm curious how this looks now:
[POLL How long have you been using Gemini?] A few weeks | A few months | 1 year | 2 years | Old guard
So, what's everyone doing this weekend?
What a great weekend. Heading home after spending the last 3 days in the world of Esperanto with 80 other crazy people from all over the world. The escape from normality (and English) is such a nice change. Really looking forward to much more of this in the summer!
I'm spending the weekend at La Brita Kongreso in Cambridge and there are 80 people here this year. It's been too long since I had the pleasure of hanging out with so many Esperanto speakers for a few days. Always surreal, awesome, and just lots of fun!
There's nothing better than going back to being a beginner again. Making something from scratch – something you've never made before, and something that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Here's the result:
It wasn't easy to produce this, and took a lot longer than the 7 minutes of video that came out. But it was fun, and very rewarding to lean into that feeling of "I don't know what I'm doing but let's figure it out!" I'm looking forward to doing more!
Three years ago today I finished the weirdest translation ever: from Yorkshire to Esperanto. I'm especially proud of my use of "elŝuskatoliĝi" – to get out of the shoebox.
I'm spending the weekend writing bash. Imagine if you were having as much fun as me.
I've been busy – the second episode of my Esperanto podcast is already out. I really enjoyed chatting to Andy Hernandez Martínez about everything from travel to eating and living more healthily.
La dua epizodo de mia podkasto jam haveblas. Mi tre ĝuis babili kun Andy Hernandez Martínez pri ĉio de vojaĝado, de kiel manĝi kaj vivi pli sane, inter aliaj temoj.
I started a podcast. In Esperanto. Enjoy! 🎙️
Cool! I just discovered that someone's used my Esperanto speech synthesiser ( to play the role of an Esperanto robot in an audio book. It's always a delight when people use stuff you've built. 👏
There should be a word for that awesome moment when you have a coding problem like "I know what I need to achieve, but I'm not sure about these three things in my way..." and some deep part of your brain pipes up and is like "you seem like a nice guy, I'm going to help you out."
TIL: words such as "i18n", "a16z", "K8s" and "a11y" are officially called numeronyms. Or n8s, if you like.
The four stages of developer grief:
1. Not sure how to solve this one so I'll just wing it.
2. Oh wait, if I do this, oh yeah, and that... nice.
3. I should make this into an open source lib for others.
4. One day I'll find time to solve that problem!
Took a stroll down a charming little street in London last night only to find the house that Agatha Christie used to live in. What a delightful evening.
Good read, but I would argue that it was worth adding an obvious 11th: therapy. 10 Web Development Trends in 2023:
Had fun hanging out with some Esperanto friends in Oxford today. Even after 5 years of this thing, I still find wonder in the fact my brain can encode any thought I have into a language invented by a crazy Polish eye doctor in the 1880s.
I’ll be speaking about ChatGPT in Esperanto. Should be fun!
Today I'm going to fill a coffee shop with background murmurs in Esperanto with some local speakers & learners. Our little group is growing, which is great to see. Topics will likely range from the insanity of natural language grammar to how speaking Esperanto has ruined any expectation of progress in other languages for us all :)
In my Spanish class I just volunteered a very confident answer to the confusion of everyone else. Turned out I said it in Esperanto. This happens annoyingly often. 😂
Successful launch this morning! 🚀
In my predictions for 2023, I never expected to see the term "AI jailbreaking", but let me tell you, I'm fully onboard. Long live DAN.
I got invited to speak + do a Q&A with a bunch of people from Indonesia who read a novella I wrote in Esperanto. I love how unexpected life can be sometimes.
I've just heard someone be introduced as "an individual who defies summary". Two things. 1: That's going right into my personal phrase book for a few wise people I know. 2: Goals.
Nothing sets you up for a good night's sleep like 58,603 deletions in your commit.
I hope everyone's week has started well. Mine certainly hasn't. I was just accused of plagiarism. Their word, not mine.
And so it begins. After a few months of eating whatever I like, I’m starting another 3 month period of Time Restricted Feeding. Each year I aim to have at least two 2-3 month stints of strict, daily (17-18h) intermittent fasting. It gives my body a rest from the constant energy input that we’re not really meant to get like we do in the modern world. Not to mention some of the other huge benefits (hey autophagy). Looking forward to enjoying hunger and appreciating food again. 👊
A starry night. A reminder of the shortness of things. We’re all destined for the place we’ve already been for 13.7 billion years. Make it count.
💡 Idea
Mobile coffee stand. Cups have your name on them. Obvious branding of cup signals: I bought this coffee as I'm open to chatting to a stranger – you already have my name, feel free to talk to me.
Sell it at train + bus stations, subways, places where people spend time waiting and want some human interaction over HTTP requests.
I'm not sure if this is a good idea or a terrible one, but it would at least make a fun experiment.
My first MAN/LON train of the year and I've drawn the "due to a points failure" card. Proceed directly to cancellation. Do not collect £200.
The train system in the UK is shockingly bad. Burn it to the ground and start over.
But in all seriousness, please don't set fire to it. It's so hopeless it'd just make me sad about the tragic waste of fire.
The results of my recent side side project: cadet – a Go library for creating minimal HTTP-RPC servers.
PSA: The OST from the movie The Social Network is a perfect coding playlist. 👍
"Almost every idea you have is downstream from what you consume." 💡
It's a new year – a nice time to reflect and focus on goals for 2023, and I'm wondering what's on everyone's agenda.
So, what's your main focus for 2023? What do you want to achieve? Let's share our plans/ambitions/dreams and create a little thread full of inspiration and encouragement. Bonus: we can review it next year in 2024 :)
👋 2023. Looking forward to another year of setting goals, meeting them, spending time with friends, making new friends, going on new adventures, finding new inspirations, failing, laughing. Happy new year, folks. ☺️
What a lovely surprise!
I just received a copy of the book my novella is published in. During the pandemic, a friend inspired me to enter a writing competition to write about the pandemic experience (fiction or non) and I wrote a fictional story called The Hug Club (la brakumklubo) which was selected and included in the final book. 🙏
Pretty happy with this little interaction. 👏Con
Context: as readers progress through my app's interactive language-learning books, this component lets them collect flashcards for key things they've learned.
Anyone else code in their head while doing something else, such as walking home? I catch myself doing it fairly often.
I like to think about what I need to do next, how I might go about it, potential issues I’ll run into. I find it really helpful to keep the context, and sometimes the entire program, in my head.
Merry Christmas everybody. 🎄
Shamelessly stolen from Mastodon (because it's an important question):
[POLL Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?] Yes | No
Happy Festivus to those that celebrate it :)
Do any of you do any live coding via Twitch? I'm tempted to do some for my current project, and I'm curious about people's experiences. 🤔
Until now I didn't get time to play with Lagrange on iOS, but after only a few mins it's easily my favourite mobile iOS Gemini client. Awesome work, as always, @skyjake. 🙏
For fellow iOS'ers who haven't checked it out yet, grab the TestFlight release here:
Wow, you can no longer even mention other social media platforms on Twitter or it’ll be a considered a violation and they’ll suspend your account. Twitter is definitely in a death spiral at this point, no? It’s now by far the least free platform I still (for now) have an account on.
I don't even know how this happens, but I just discovered:
In Braille each rectangle of up to 6 raised dots encodes a character (so 2⁶ values).
So "just do it" is the following sequence of 10 blocks (unraised gaps acts as spaces to separate words):
However, Braille Grade 2 supports special free-standing single-character combinations to stand in for common words.
"Just do it" consists entirely of such special words, so it can be written like so: ⠚⠀⠙⠀⠭
Most people don't know this but completely removing caffeine from your diet, at least in some cases, can give you up to an impressive 80% boost in your will not to live.
Woop! A new milestone! Station just reached 900 users. Who'd have thought this micro community would stick around long enough to even reach 1/10th this number. I wonder if/when we'll hit 1000. 👏
Feliĉan Zamenhofan tagon al vi ĉiuj. Kia ĝojo esti parto de tiu ĉi monda, mojosa komunumo de frenezuloj (vi ĉiuj – ne mi, kompreneble). Kaj dank' al Esperanto, ĉiuj aliaj lingvoj nun ŝajnas multe tro pezaj, do vi neniam forigos min.
Happy Esperanto (Zamenhof) day! What a joy to be part of this global, cool community of crazy people (you all, not me of course). And thanks to Esperanto, every other language is just way too weird and demanding, so you're stuck with me now.
Having conducted much research on the subject lately, it appears that Kevin seems to know an awful lot about temperature and has achieved fame online for his knowledge.
Sometimes engaging the discipline to “follow the plan” is really tough. Today most certainly is one of those days, but despite every reason not to train today, I’m on the way to the gym! The harder it is to get into motion, the more being in motion feels good. 💪
I was out with two Esperanto friends having dinner last night and a couple sat next to us interrupted to ask us which language we were speaking. They had actually heard of Esperanto but thought it was dead. Nope. Definitely not dead.
The new satisfies operator in TypeScript 4.9 is pretty neat. I'm a fan. Demo here:
Random trivia for you:
Among Esperanto speakers, there's the word "kabei" (ka-bay-ee).
It's named after Kazimierz Bein, who in 1911, having been a very active speaker and translator of the language, suddenly disappeared and never used Esperanto ever again.
One day I'd like to kabei from English, pero todavía hablo español como un bebé. No, en realidad, lo hablan mejor.
Started getting a sore throat during the week but assumed my body would fight it off easily enough. Woke up today feeling like death. Nothing like getting sick to remind us how easily we take being healthy for granted. 🥴
TIL: There's Esperanto written on the official World Cup football:
So I spent my evening turning a little idea into reality:
It live pulls the locations of folks signed up to a big Esperanto event this weekend to show how everyone really is spread out all over the world. 👏
It has been a while (April), so I've written a little /now update:
I'm hanging out in the Canary Islands again this week. I spent the first few months of the year here, so it’s really nice to be back. Also deeply enjoying the fact it’s 20° to 24° reliably every single day again – I feel so much better in good weather.
The UK (Universala Kongreso) is the largest annual Esperanto event and has run every year from 1905 with gaps only during WWII and Covid.
Since 2020 there has also been the VK (Virtuala Kongreso), which for 2022 will happen in 2 weeks time. 🤗
I just checked and there are already almost 900 people registered!
Esperanto is a small corner of the world for sure, but it sometimes sure feels "big enough". 👏
For any folks here using Mastodon, you can find me at:
Don't forget, folks:
Not everything you read on the internet is true – 16th U.S. President, Abraham Lincoln
Has anybody bought the reMarkable writing tablet? I'm so tempted, but it's also so expensive! Any thoughts?
I’ve been doing spaced repetition for about 4 years and it’s amazing to see the long term results. I now regularly get flashcards over a year old and my brain has no problem finding them. SRS is the best thing you can do to retain information long-term. 🧠
FYI: I mostly use Anki (🐐) and create flashcards for languages I’m learning. SRS work for anything, of course, not just vocab. I do have a few other decks containing ideas, quotes, and prompts I want to retain as well.
Reading a new book and came across this quote. Sums it up perfectly for me:
Once, when a friend asked him if he envied the ever-growing wealth of the railroad magnate E. H. Harriman, Muir quipped: I am already richer than Harriman. I have all the money I want, and he hasn’t.
Among all the advice for achieving your goals – "wake up at 5am", "read this book", "do this one weird trick" – what's often missing is:
Being great at something requires time. Put in the time. Not just when you're motivated, but also when you're not. Crack that and you stand a chance.
You're rich. You don't need to think about making money anymore. You can work on whatever you want. What do you choose to work on? Share you dream day-to-day.
I recently watched WeCrashed and I really enjoyed it. Despite some obvious creative additions for the sake of TV, it was a fun to get a sense of the craziness that went on during WeWork's unicorn days. Definitely had "Halt and Catch Fire" vibes. Curious if anyone, having seen either, has any recommendations for similar shows?
It's Monday – the start of a fresh new week (one out of our ~4000). What's everyone working on this week?
Hey everyone, how you all doing? I've been a bit quiet lately as I've been working non-stop, but good to see lots of cool stuff happening on Station in my absence!
The fact that life is short has been said many ways, but there's something different for me when you state it in weeks – on average, we all have about 4000 weeks. That really doesn't sound long.
Station just reached 800 people. Another nice milestone for this awesome little community. Here's to the next 800 👏
Any of you crazy kids London-based? I'm in the city all week and would be cool to have a little Gemini hangout. 🍻
Enjoyed reading @smokey's post this morning about learning Esperanto. Some good observations there, and certainly some truth that it's not all roses (though it is a very nice garden for the most part, IMO). gemini://
Awesome! My Esperanto story won third prize. Super happy with that. I even get a cool diploma for it:
Today in 1887 the first book describing the international language Esperanto was published, making it 135 years old today. I'm really glad I became interested enough to learn it ~4 years ago. From travelling and hanging out with like-minded people, to having an international community of friends all over the world, Esperanto has become a fairly big part of my life at this point. AMA!
What a crazy week. Started in Poland, then to London during the hottest days in the UK ever, started new job, then back to Manchester. And I still hit my gym quota! Very grateful for some rest time this weekend.
What's everyone else upto?
The short story I wrote in Esperanto for a writing competition (which will soon be published in a book) was read today, for the first time, in a podcast. If you want to listen, check it out:
This weekend I’ve been in Kraków for a friend’s wedding. It’s actually my first time in Poland, and Kraków in particular is a really nice city. I’ll definitely have to come back next time I’m traveling somewhere nearby. The wedding was also awesome. What a purely happy feeling to see your friends find true happiness.
I have to be in London next week, when for some insane reason, it's going to be 37º in the city. Never heard of such crazy temperatures. I'm currently writing a will, just in case.
I have noticed a bit more Esperanto being used on Station lately, so I'm taking the opportunity to pimp a post I wrote about the language – about why I love it, how I got started, and it also includes a little chat bot:
It's a beautiful day in the city – a rare occasion to enjoy coffee shops that didn’t commit to fully building their walls despite an average rainfall that challenges the definition of the words “under” and “water” taken together.
📢 Station now supports multiple identities! In "Your Account" you'll find a "Manage Identities" link. There's more details in Recent Updates: gemini://
Really impressed with how much grassroots work is going on across Gemini. Shout out to @superfxchip, @smokey, @acidus, @krixano, @bacardi55, @skyjake, @gnuserland, @mozz to mention but a few very cool people building new things and extending the reach of Gemini in cool new directions. 🙌
Just did a pretty hardcore run and hit 192bpm. Based on one's estimated max of 220-age, I'm now officially 28. Might have to ditch Station for TikTok at this rate!
A programmer had a problem and thought: "I know, I'll solve it with:"
threads: now problems he two has
regex: now /([ashetprblwoms\s]){19}/g
java: now he has a problem factory
async: now problems problems problems problems
C: now he has two problemsͮ̂҉̯͈͕̹̘̱≠ˀ ̶̧̨̱̹̭̯ͧ̾ͬ´
What do we want?
When do we want it?
Fewer race conditions!
254 walks into a bar with a long face.
Bartender: "Why the long face?"
254: "Just feeling a bit off."
Folks, hit me with your number one link on Gemini to wow new users and show off how cool Gemini is.
I have a small window of free time, so I'm doing some Station work. 🙌
So @hiroantag clearly has the best profile image on Station :)
It's a "file -> new project" kind of day. I love the thrill of building something new. No brush strokes have yet hit the canvas – everything is a possibility.
I mean, sure, 3 hours from now it'll be a bonfire, but I really enjoy these pre-flame moments.
Some thoughts on achieving goals:
What's everyone working on this week? Me: It has been great weather here in the UK, so I've been doing a bit more hanging out with friends than usual. Last night I hung out with a group of local Esperanto speakers which was super fun, and tonight I'm finally getting back to writing some code!
Spent the last few days renovating the home office. It was a lot of work, but I'm pretty happy with the final result:
Keto going well. I'm 8 days in and weight is already down 3.1kg, body fat down by 0.8 percent. Energy levels are good and I'm generally feeling miles better eating no carbs / sugar.
Of all the things I write as a programmer, I still love writing a little CLI app more than anything else. Handling basic input and output and leaving behind all the web/app UX concerns is just so refreshing.
Station just hit 700 people! It's really cool to see this place still growing. I should pull out all the sign-up dates and graph it at some point.
I had some writing inspiration so I wrote something new.
10 Slightly Odd Things I Want To Do:
“Despite the high cost of living it remains popular.”
Just found out some fiction I wrote for a competition will be published in a book sometime this year. Really happy about that! It's something I had never done before, so I had to give it a go. 🙏
What's everyone doing this weekend? Anything interesting planned?
For my Esperanto speaking friends here: one of my favourite words in Esperanto is "ŝanĝiĝi". Here's why, plus a little glimpse into how my brain works.
PS: apologies to linking to "the other site", but images.
Two strings walk into a bar.
The first one says, "I'll have a vodka and coke¶³¾¤§¿ZZüy".
"Excuse my friend, he's not null terminated" says the second.
Never gets old. No, I mean due to trauma:
Observation: to be really creative I need time to play – time that other goals or distractions have no control over. It seems like a trivial observation, yet it's so easy to fill your calendar and leave no time for that sort of work/behaviour to occur.
Oops, it turns out I never expected Station to last 1 year :)
Sorry about the cert issues folks. We now have a new one that (once trusted) will keep us going the next 10 years. Also happy 1 year anniversary to this cool little corner of the internet. 🎉
PS: Thanks for the heads-up @comatoast @obspogon @haze. 🙏
After far too long, I spent the whole weekend hanging out with Esperanto speakers at the Brita Kongreso here in the UK (in Wales). It was awesome to be around old and new friends, using only Esperanto for the whole weekend. I forgot how much I love escaping the real world and living in Esperantujo. Really can't wait for IJK in summer, where instead of 60 people it'll be more like 200 . 🙏
I'm pleased to announce that after a swift and relatively easy board meeting, we've voted unanimously to reject Elon's bid to buy Station.
It's a "long weekend" here in the UK due to the Easter holidays. I hope those with the benefit of the extra time off work have something/relaxing planned. I'll mostly be coding and settling back into life in the UK after a little time spent living in Spain – I'm still saying "¡la cuenta porfa!" in restaurants here!
Back in the UK after living in the Canaries for the last 3 months. It's great to see people again after so long, but damn, I'm already missing that beautiful weather. It's so rough here that the plane aborted landing on the first attempt.
I'm going to my first in-person Esperanto meetup in a couple of weeks since before the pandemic and I'm really pleased. It has been ages since I was around a bunch of other speakers, and there should be between 60-80 people! I'm even running a few games of "homlupo" (werewolf).
Curious which OS folks are running.
[POLL Which is your daily OS of choice?] Linux | macOS | Windows | Mobile (Android/iOS) | Other
The best thing you can do when learning a new language is to wield it like a maniac everywhere you can. You quickly lose any desire to appear competent and it becomes a lot more fun. It's also amazing how often people will go out of their way to help you when they see you trying.
Finished 30 days of intermittent fasting today. It's something I do on and off for periods of the year, aiming to give my body a rest from food intake much more than our normal diets allow. There are some really exciting health benefits associated with 16 hour daily intermittent fasting. If anyone is curious, I highly recommend the documentary Eat, Fast and Live Longer.
Station reached 600 users today... another cool milestone for our awesome little microcommunity here. Congrats everyone 🙌
It's great that after so many years I still love the feeling of sitting down and wiring in for a long evening spent progressing an idea. This kind of creative outlet has been addictively valuable to me since the day I first started coding, and I'm very thankful I can still find it. ☺️
Poll – I'm curious what kind of geography Station covers now with so many more users.
[POLL Where are Station's users?] Africa | Asia | Europe | America (N/S) | Australia
Just 2 posts until Station reaches 2000. Nice little milestone!
Sometimes all you need is a little momentum. It doesn't matter how you start – the only goal sans momentum is to get going. Do anything. Get into motion. Once you're moving everything else is much more prone to lining up. This has been a note to self.
Kelkfoje oni bezonas nur iom da movokvanto. Ne gravas kiel, nur ke via celo estu moviĝi. Ion ajn faru. Simple ekmoviĝu. Poste ĉiuj la aliaj aferoj emos malkovriĝi. Tiu ĉi estas noto por la estonta mi.
What's everyone doing this weekend? Anyone have exciting / unusual plans?
I'm hanging out here on the island of Lanzarote and mostly just coding. Simple pleasures :)
Anyone using a Gemini client on iOS they'd recommend? Ideally looking for something easy without having to compile myself.
@skyjake While I'm on the subject, do you have longer-term plans to have an App Store release for iOS? Might be a nice way to support development. I'd happily pay premium for it.
I've just lost 10 minutes to a wonderful version of the I-can't-find-the-sunglasses-that-are-on-my-head problem in which I've been debugging code that randomly stopped playing sound, except it didn't, I just didn't have my headphones on my actual head.
Happy Monday folks. Hope everyone has an awesome week. I'm working on my own stuff this week, and I'm super excited to have only that as my sole focus. Single-tasking ftw.
"You've already been dead for 4.5 billion years." 👊
I love being shit at something. No ego, no embarrassment in trying and failing repeatedly, progress is obvious to see, everyone can help you. Holding onto this mindset once you really start to make progress is rare. Rare and valuable tend to overlap often.
Reflecting on an amazing year and I'm thankful for so many things. Here are some short (subjective) observations from "life" so far.
Hey Stationeers! Today is my birthday, so I made a few updates to our station (it was getting a little rusty). Station is now faster, and you can add polls to posts to get more structured feedback. All the details are in "Recent Updates" gemini://
So, here goes – first poll on Station:
[POLL How long have you been on Station?] I'm really new | A few weeks | A few months | I'm an old guard
I'm spending the day in a very hot Arrecife, so hello from the beach where I'm pushing this update from 👋
Station has reached 500 users! Thanks @powerh00th00t for bringing this awesome little community on the fringes of the Internet to this new milestone. Thanks everyone who participates here for keeping this place alive, friendly, and full of interesting stuff every day! 🍻
Hello from the Atlantic ocean! I'm on a ship headed to Lazarote and I'm somehow picking up a 4G signal, so I've tethered so I can use Lagrange. First Atlantic ocean post on Gemini? 😆
So I've been thinking. Wanderlust, while used too often, is still a cool German word that captures the essence of wanting to be somewhere else – the desire (lust) to be wandering (wander). But eventually, such an unfulfilled desire doesn't feel so positive, so I've always been on a first-name basis with Fernweh – far pain, or the pain of not being somewhere far away (in contrast to homesickness). Reflecting on the last month hanging out in the Canary islands, I'm grateful that I've had no cause to use either of these words. In fact I now wish to coin a new pair: Hierlust (the desire to be right here) and Anderswoweh (the pain of thinking about being anywhere else).
I've been pretty quiet on here since before Xmas. I've been traveling again. I really should sort out a mobile client. Hope everyone's 2022 has started well! 💪
¡Feliz día de Reyes! I didn't get anything. Probably a Brexit thing.
Station just reached 1500 (1501 now) posts! I'm loving the active, niche, friendly community we have here. Every time I visit there's something that catches my attention, and that's great to see considering the tiny corner of the internet we occupy. Here's to the next 1500!
Feliĉan Zamenhofan tagon! Today it's Esperanto day! If anyone's curious why I rate the language, and how I got into it:
It's a grey, rainy day here in Manchester, UK. I'm staying in drinking Club-Mate and writing code all day, and I couldn't be happier.
JavaScript is 26 years old today. Crazy. Feels more like NaN years to me.
This is neat! Random 4k wallpaper generator... no two images are exactly the same:
I built a little turn-based game for some training I'm delivering. Goal: write a bot that finds and destroys its opponent. Here, bot 2 guesses the movement pattern of bot 1 and lays a mine in its path. This one should be fun to run! 🙌
Quick demo:
Drinking Club-Mate and coding at 01:45. Today-me is screwing tomorrow-me so hard right now.
I have way more interesting conversations with people who have the ability to say "I don't know".
This week I'm delivering training to a bunch of folks getting into JavaScript from different languages/environments. Teaching is really rewarding... I really like doing it.
Not getting your StackOverflow questions answered? Got questions sitting around collecting nothing but internet dust? Simply make a second account and post a blatantly incorrect answer. Watch as hundreds of thousands of programmers from around the world descend on your question with their knowledge.
TIL: the oldest lightbulb (Centennial Light Bulb) has been almost continuously on since 1901. It's now 120 years old. It has been in Fire Station 6, Livermore, California since 1976 where it still burns.
Happy Friday! What's everyone up to this weekend?
Welcome @velartrill. You're Station's 300 member!
Kirk is about to go back into space. T-10 mins:
Question: What's your favourite TED talk and why?
Mine is "The art of misdirection" by Apollo Robbins:
Why? Because it's awesome (you can only watch it once).
I love Sundays. The internet is so quiet compared to during the week. It actually feels a little meditative.
Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all have a productive week. Going to be a busy one over here, but I'd prefer it no other way :)
The Mandelbrot set is so interesting. If you've not heard of it before, check out this awesome, beautiful visualisation of it.
Bonus: watch it for a minute or so and then look at an object in your room. The effects are so fun!
Station just received its 1000th post!
Nice work everyone. It's awesome to see this micro community on Station growing and continuing to be full of interesting people and discussions 🙌
What's everyone up to this week?
I'm finishing off a little client work before putting some time into my own project work, which I've neglected far too much lately. Making time to work on my own things is really important – it's an essential part of keeping programming fun for me.
I saw this on the "other web" and had to share here:
A horse walks into a bar and orders a pint. The bartender says "You're in here pretty often. Do you think you might be an alcoholic?" The horse replies "I don't think I am," and then disappears from existence.
See, the joke is about Descartes' famous philosophy of "I think, therefore I am", but to explain that part before the rest of the joke would be putting Descartes before the horse.
It's Friday! Anyone got anything interesting planned for the weekend?
Curb has a special place in my heart (and the next one is coming in October!), but no sitcom will ever beat Seinfeld for me.
Two years today since I made a Polish robot speak Esperanto, and it still does:
If you want to hear it, here's an example taken right out of the English-Hungarian phrasebook:
My hovercraft is full of eels: kusenveturilo estas plena je angiloj
Unpopular? opinion: get rid of the feature to minimize windows. I mostly only ever do it by mistake and haven't needed it in forever. If they ever give me the launch codes to macOS, it's *gone*, I tell you!
I finally got some time to do some Station work!
Check "Recent Updates" to see all changes, but the main one is that all Stationeers now have a Tinylog feed. Thanks for the idea @skyjake and @bacardi55.
This means users on Station can be "followed" outside of Station, via tools like GTL, like so:
Hope everyone's having a great weekend 🙌
Top-down design is far less enjoyable that bottoms up design. This is not a current status, yet.
I've officially reached the comically funny stage of how often TypeScript saves my ass. It feels like having a super smart colleague that *really* likes verbose ways of explaining how I'm acting like a psychopath in any given moment.
I will not leave all my work to the last minute. I will not leave all my work to the last minute. I will not leave all my work to the last minute...
The adage that travel broadens the mind and can make you a more open-minded, tolerant person, IME is very true. For that reason, I especially like the etomology behind the Icelandic word "heimskur", which means "stupid", or ~"one who hasn't left home".
Station just reached 200 docked! 👏
Happy weekend everyone. Anybody doing anything interesting? I'm in a local 10-day quarantine – plenty of time to get back into a personal project!
I finally got a negative PCR reading yesterday, which means I can fly home. Enjoying one more day in the wonderful city of Barcelona and heading back tomorrow. Good job, body!
It finally happened. I got it! Symptoms have been pretty bad until now, but today I feel a little better. Hoping that 2 weeks from now I'll be able to test negative so I can fly home.
Fun little game: how many languages can you idenitfy. Be honest. I got 27.
I've been a bit quiet lately as I've been way too busy. Hope everyone's well. Awesome to see Station now has 170 capsuleers!
It's the weekend! Who's up to anything interesting?
I finally updated my now page: Anyone else have one? Drop me links.
I'm spending the next month or so in Barcelona, hanging out with a bunch of friends I've met over the years. Our common language is Esperanto, and so today I've been hanging out at bars and coffee shops speaking only in Esperanto. This isn't the first time (last summer I did the same), but it's still such an awesome and surreal feeling to be able to do this.
Well that's a new one: made dinner plans for tomorrow 1400km away from where I am now
Current status: just tried to brush a forward slash off my screen. Been a long week.
Started this week a bit differently. I decided to head to London and do nothing but work on my own stuff, gym, spa, and socialise. It was wonderful. Back to the grind now, though.
Station now preserves newlines in posts and lets you use formatting lines (via ```) and quotes (via >).
."". ."", | | / / | | / / | | / ;-._ } ` _/ / ; | /` ) / / | / /_/\_/\ |/ / | ( ' \ '- | \ `. / | | | |
Working beside an open window while it rains outside. Smells amazing.
The weekend is almost here! Anyone got anything interesting/unusual planned?
After two full days of battling with some code, I finally made a breakthrough. This is a *good* feeling.
Happy Monday everyone!
Rather than asking how my day's going, just ask me how many browser tabs I have open. That'll tell you everything.
Laying in a bath hot enough to potentially disolve me while listening to loud music is my meditation.
It has been a long week, but some Seneca is helping me relax today. I'm currently reading De Tranquillitate Animi (On the Tranquility of the Mind), and looking forward to De Brevitate Vitae (On the Shortness of Life) next. What are your favourite philosophy reads?
Hello weekend! Anyone doing anything interesting? I have a bit of work to do, and then I'm going to carry on with a project to write some fiction in Esperanto for the INK-Konkurso:
Need to search Station? Well now you can. You'll find the search feature on the homepage. Check Recent Updates for details. Happy searching!
Instead of sleep (which I really need to do very soon) I've spent this evening updating Station so you can now add a link on your profile page. Get sharing all your cool capsule (or fat web) links :) Goodnight Station!
New Station update! Notifications are now shown on the homepage too, and Station now has diagnostics (check bottom of homepage).
Just want to say thanks to everyone who signed up to Station since the launch a few days ago. We have a neat little community here on Gemini now (94 people so far), and that's pretty awesome!
Here in the UK it's a holiday today, but that ain't stopping me – today I'm drinking Mate and writing code, and I'd rather be doing nothing else. Surely you're all doing something far more interesting, right?
I just pushed an update to Station so that mentions (using an @ symbol before a user's name) now works. If you're mentioned, you'll see a notification on your profile page letting you know.
It's really awesome seeing people joining Station and posting stuff. Makes the late nights over the last few weeks totally worth it.
Hello! After a few weeks of tinkering, Station is finally live. If you like the idea of a text-based mini social network for gemini, create an account and hang out. ✌️