So I've been thinking. Wanderlust, while used too often, is still a cool German word that captures the essence of wanting to be somewhere else โ the desire (lust) to be wandering (wander). But eventually, such an unfulfilled desire doesn't feel so positive, so I've always been on a first-name basis with Fernweh โ far pain, or the pain of not being somewhere far away (in contrast to homesickness). Reflecting on the last month hanging out in the Canary islands, I'm grateful that I've had no cause to use either of these words. In fact I now wish to coin a new pair: Hierlust (the desire to be right here) and Anderswoweh (the pain of thinking about being anywhere else).
3 years ago ยท ๐ kelbot, eph, figbert, skyjake, eo, ailolai, shway, kevinsan, tenebre, neuropirate
Thinking about making an TTRPG where all the stats are german words. Could be a fun free game to throw up on a capsule. ยท 3 years ago
Hierlust is absolutely my favourite. It's a great word, and while I'm undeniably a bit jelly of your exotic surroundings, I am still feeling it. ยท 3 years ago
A bit of my home to you: ยท 3 years ago
Serenity is my home
but it could be the spaceship, or the whole verse ยท 3 years ago
One of my favorite German words is Sehnsucht: longing, yearning, etc. ยท 3 years ago
There's something about German that lends itself so well to describing feelings precisely in one word. ยท 3 years ago