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馃懡 bookscorpion

I weeded all the computer and programming books at the library, it was high time. My favourite find was a book on how to monetise Tumblr, that is so fucking funny to me. Tumblr! Of all things LOL

馃挰 0 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 2 days ago

馃懡 bookscorpion

me: I will finish Kentucky Route Zero before I start another game also me: stars playing Pacific Drive Every time a piece of media is like *somethingsomething Exclusion Zone* I cannot resist. Chernobyl and the tail end of the Cold War as formative experiences I guess.

馃挰 2 Replies 路 4 Thumbs 路 6 days ago

馃懡 bookscorpion

I sat and read for two hours for the first time in AGES - I do read a lot again but not for such a long-ishstretch at a time. Currently reading: Milkweed Trilogy by Ian Tregillis, it's a reread and I am enjoying it a lot. British warlocks vs Nazi supersoldiers. If you like Tim Powers, you might enjoy this one.

馃挰 0 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 1 week ago

馃懡 bookscorpion

That took me longer to find than it should have because I looked for it as metal but it's crustpunk, apparently, which is a genre I barely know exists. But anyway: Watership Down concept album trilogy by Fall of Efrafa, you should listen to it. It's WAY softer than you probably think, long complex tracks, gloomy and emotional, I abolutely love it. = https://fallofefrafa.bandcamp.com/

馃挰 2 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 1 week ago

馃懡 bookscorpion

I went for a walk this morning to feed the crow army (they do love peanuts in the shell). I also saw the first crocuses, a lot of snowdrops and winter aconites, and the witch hazels are in full bloom. Despite the bitterly cold wind, it felt like spring.

馃挰 2 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 1 week ago

馃懡 bookscorpion

I have a garden over at = gemini://astrobotany.mozz.us/ Astrobotany. = gemini://astrobotany.mozz.us/public/782bc4809e9d4e55a0defda84987ffd3/m1 My plant is called Doris!

馃挰 1 Reply 路 0 Thumbs 路 1 week ago

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