author: five_over_four
Ah crap, I dropped my guitar and one of the strings put a little dent in one of the frets. Hmm, how should I buff it out? fuuuck me that was hard to get cleanly. guitar stuff. really shreddy. cleaned up the audio pops too, this time. took friggin hoouuurs and like a hundred takes. A little guitar thing I recorded. On a sidenote, it seems if you post more than one thing within some short time period, the second one won't show on the main page. Must've been a spam reduction tactic.
So I brewed some kilju, just sugar and brewing yeast. Cold crashed. 2€. 5L of about 15-17% booze. I am literally never buying alcohol again. This stuff... and this is slightly contentious, tastes essentially like cheap japanese sake. I have solved half my monthly budget.
cryptmaster is pretty sweet. gets a bit repetitive but the idea is overall fun and the narrator is brilliant.
On a tangential note, I've been practicing guitar a lot lately again. I'm basically god, now. Can't be, won't be stopped. Just fixing a few weak points over the past friggin 15 years of playing. I will shred the world.
On an even further note, is mild megalomania a known side-effect of these ADHD meds? Louis Cole is the greatest generational genius of the current era. this is what happens when conservatory grads start experimenting. Verdi blasting beats out there.
I've been excited about math again. Been a while. Reviewing all kindsa functional analysis, categor theory, differential geometry. I kind of forgot just how satisfying writing a proof is.
Ooh, read all of Inio Asano's "Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction" manga in one sitting. Oh man. Well less soul-crushing and more bittersweet than punpun, bit of a weak-ish ending, but overall very satisfying with a few really good emotional beats. 12 volumes. One sitting. Like 10-12 hours of reading. Gahhhhhh. i wrote a little quick extra bit on my favourite ontological theory on reality. needs a bit of editing, but i'll do it on my own time, later. Spent quite literally all of yesterday designing CNC schematics for a case for my split keyboard. This is the acrylic top, M5 bolt holes etc. Enormous amount of effort and expensive, too. Not sure if worth but pretty interesting to do.
I so want a split ergo keyboard with the dactyl-style concave bed. Shame they are absurdly expensive forever. Something like an Advantage360? Hell yeah. made a second part to the ZSH ZLE tutorial. Shrug, it was sorta interesting to do these.
Drank out yesterday. There was this random band, but the guitarist shredded something incredible. Actually possibly the best solos I've ever heard, I need to incorporate some of the ideas he used into my own playing.
The graph-based audio routing of pipewire/Jack is amazing. Want to route your guitar VST into a Discord call? Pull L/R from vst to call. Done. Want to go deaf? Pull sound card outputs to inputs. Done. Want to mix sixty audio outputs into a single channel for some reason in any given application in the entire system? Somehow... done. Actual magic.
Oh look, EU's chat control doing rounds again. Won't die. Desktop computing dying. Internet becoming a locked-down monoculture. Hmmm... give it 10 years, irrespective of any societal upheaval- feel like it's over. Won't be 2005 again, it's just going to be cable and tech literacy a thing of the past. I don't know anyone who owns a computer irl, anymore.
Hmm practicing some Rust for fun. Ow my pinky, must rebind everything so I never need to press shift or ctrl. Already bound {}/\&% onto right hand lol.
Ahhhh. Guitar Rig 7 on Linux. I'm in love, Guitarix wasn't cutting it, this sounds *incredible*. Yabridge + Carla, had to roll back Wine to 9.0 since it's kinda broken with it since 9.4+. Incredible, incredible sounds. Super good compressors.
I config til there's nothing left! Just got Photoshop 2021 working on openSUSE, with GPU support. If that works in a stable manner, Windows is pretty much completely obsoleted for me. Haven't logged into it for over a month (except to grab some fonts that were symlinked.)
Played Indika. Fuck me that was bleak and cynical, but very effective. Big fan, though could've been a movie.
Turns out Guitarix is... *pretty* good. Definitely passable. Also, inexplicably, Linux's audio is better than Windows'. ASIO hijacks it all, but Pipewire? You can just record it with anything. Still trying to make presets that compete with my Guitar Rig 5 presets, but I'm sure it can be done. Just a bit'a fiddlin to be done.
Oh my god Animal Well is finally out. I am so excited. ANIMAL WEEELLLLLL. Some photos. Portra 400, pruned the crap ones out, no colour grading.
What's your guys' preferred app for android -> linux local network file share? I don't have dropbox on this side and I'd rather not write the thing myself, lol. Just something that can quickly share pictures and such.
After two more reinstalls, (Lol my boot USB was in BIOS mode. Figures.) I am finally properly dual-boot'd. Lagrange idents imported, most everything reasonably up to speed. Another evening spent fighting keyboard customisation with Wayland, I've simply fixed my X11 and abandoned the former for its /evil/ lack of kb customs- my poor wrists can't take all that shifting lol.
Oh and a new Ryzen 5600 coming in a day or so, small upgrade over the old 3600.
Got a roll of portra 400 comin in next wednesday. I got em digitised too so I'll look at whether any of them are worth posting. Should have a few cool ones. Next one's on Ektar 100 since it's so bright out.
I have a couple cool new lenses: a 70-200mm f4.5 and a 28mm f2.8. Been shooting a bunch with the big zoom tube, lotsa urban photography. Precious, sweet, *cheap* old FD mount.
I got a pop-up today announcing that win10 will reach its EOL next year... I think it's time to finally install Linux properly on my desktop hardware. Ordered a little nvme so I can keep my music/gaming software on the win-side that I'll just... allow to "upgrade" to 11 and keep it compartmentalised away from anything else.
I'm thinking... EndeavourOS maybe. Eh, will see.
Ahhh finally found a good way to get my speakers outta the way- hooked them on the bookshelf on the other side of the apartment to an old laptop, also on said bookshelf, ssh into it to run cmus or mpv etc. Ideal apartment audio.
I just discarded 2 days of code and now am fixing the 40 bugs that I created in the process. I'm surrendering this codebase to a higher power now. Attached is me currently
I have coded more. TIl 8am last night. Welp, everything is automated, as many bits as you like per colour channel. Turns out even 4 bits of info per channel is barely noticeable. I am 100% over modular arithmetic forever. I dreamt of it and slept very poorly, lol.
Random chat platform idea: every user starts with 1 "socket". Press "connect" on that socket and you're randomly connected to another user, and after chatting a bit, you can accept/deny the connection. Getting an accept gives you 1 extra socket. (you can close connections at will). Getting 2 denies loses you one. You can choose to open the new socket for a new connection, which will randomly be sampled from all users, biased toward users related to more "accepted" users. Slowly you gain available sockets and are paired with a dynamically changing graph of users who share your interests. Like an evolving omegle.
Made a little steGAnography (misspelled first time!) tool in python for fun today:
Been feeling all dizzy and very forgetful, foggy for four weeks since having a mild cold. I swear to god if I get some sudden long covid thing that stays with me forever, bring on the ME/CFS, gaaahhhh.
The new Shogun adaptation is pretty great, though some clever cinematographer got the clever idea of using a wide-open anamorphic lens for every shot, making the whole thing look like a hazy fisheye dreamscape. So much vignetting, chromatic aberration, and distortion.
Developments in AI make me think about whether I should consider humanity's greatest strength its ability to deduce and think logically, which is being challenged, or just the ability to enjoy one's life, outside the nihilistic perspective of everything turning to dust and being forgotten in the course of thousands of years of history. Of course, for some, enjoying one's life is synonymous with intellectual challenge and accomplishment, but I guess I fear most that the average person will no longer feel impelled to challenge oneself when an unsurpassable creative force can dictate to them any mechanical course of action, or even thought.
Heyy, just got my first roll of film in. I'd say 30% good pics, 30% technically ok, terrible composition, 40% bad shots. I'm actually really into the ones that were underexposed on a strong light. Pet photos were obviously a gimme with an f/1.8 so those'll be popular. I got double prints cause it's free on mondays.
My important service to the world today: you probably mean "raises the question" when you say "begs the question", unless you mean the logical fallacy of assuming the conclusion in the premises, /petitio principii/.
My favourite existential philosophy is the mathematical universe hypothesis, which asserts that the universe is fundamentally nothing but math, and truth. A Turing machine can add numbers together... play a game... theoretically simulate a finite universe... The fact that that mathematical structure obviously can exist can give birth to a reality simply by being an even theoretically sound idea. You and I, its natural consequence at some unfathomably high-numbered step.
I'm considering signing every diary entry and blog post and whatnot with "in the year of two plus two equals four" in 2024. It's too good to pass up.
Solution for a better internet: you cannot post anything, anywhere, without writing at least 300 words.
Thought: modern social media embodies the saying "those who can't do, teach" precisely. Hardly anyone a master of their craft, they tend to be slightly above mediocre artists and craftspeople giving advice on how to accomplish their failed dreams.
Learn Finnish, you'll get to say "in the 1997th" as "tuhannennessayhdeksännessäsadannessayhdeksännessäkymmenennessäseitsemännessä".
Or avoid saying things in that manner to save your sanity, but who am I to judge? "from 1994 to 1997" would colloquially just be "välillä/vuodet ysineljä ysiseiska" to avoid compound words with forty syllables. I had to consult wiktionary to make sure I was inflecting that properly, and I'm native!
I have purchased three separate tomes of Oxford dictionaries of English, each between 1100 and 1600 pages. Paper dictionaries are the best. You can get lost in them, and you don't have to go to the computer to check something with variable results and etymological veracity.
I want to see more youtubers who swear hard. Advertiser appeasement affects language itself, now. Fuck you. Ah, fucking solid catharsis I'd get, from that. Everything feels very soft around the edges, prepackaged and smoothed out for the consumer.
I'm hit by an urge to read lots of classic and modern literature. Shakespeare, Pynchon, and that godforsaken mess of infinite recursive reference that is Joyce. Maybe I'll start from the shallow end.
Interesting to think that all of culture is built from pretty much nothing interesting. Forests and sand and endless water. Thousands of years of culture from nothing. It gives me pause to consider just how arbitrary everything we value fundamentally is. And if we left the world as is and disappeared as a species, none of the things produced would ever have purpose or meaning.
I've thought for a long time that I've learned to deal with my ADHD constructively, but recently, I'm starting to think I have pretty severe issues with executive dysfunction. Periods of extreme hyperfocus sweep me away to dedicate everything to art, followed by intensely apathetic weeks of being unable to do *anything* but scroll reddit, because there's too many interests and hobbies that require your time, so you just fizzle out after two minutes on all of them. Bleeeugh.
I've been shredding some Yngwie Malmsteen stuff lately. It's so tiring for the left hand, makes you all sluggish after a good fifteen minutes of practice. Fun though. I never did much sweep picking so it's really filling in some blanks there.
I've begun to find the word "hobby" slightly irksome. It somehow makes me think "your passions are commodified distractions" instead of "this is what you're alive for and what you want to dedicate your life to."
Thought: the culture you grow in irrevocably influences your thought so much that a major reason the world is socially more fractured now is because the world is changing faster and faster (internet), making it harder for each successive micro-generation to relate to the previous and fundamentally understand the ideas they hold dear.
This occurred when I realised just how much "being Finnish from the early 90s" has to do with any argument I might have with someone from a different country. Very subtle, usually, but I've been paying attention more, lately. No one was born in a vacuum without cultural ideas, just associations made to stimuli. Arbitrary base truths.
Looking into getting a cheap 35mm SLR and developing the B&W myself. I'm sick of the perfect cleanliness of digital photography. Need to breathe life into them with physical manipulation of the film.
Watched Timo Suosalo's "Kalteva Torni" (The Leaning Tower), starring the inimitable Martti Suosalo. Bit cheesy at times, but the protagonist's depiction of a schizophrenic with his free association, demanding inner voice, and dramatic flair, what a great time. Coulda watched his parts for the whole film. Kupolit kultaa!
I have celebrated the changing of the year by violently expelling all the past year's woes into the toilet following a night of excessive drinking. I sport several layered headaches.
I'm completely radicalised by AI "art": I will never accept it, and in fact fundamentally reject any product made with the help of it. You have given up any right to ever call yourself an artist by giving up your autonomy and pursuit of skillful perfection. Soon, I may begin to consider no longer consuming certain mediums made past year 202X if the trends don't change.
realising basically everyone online is on mobile- i *hate* making every web page design conform to mobile devices, because it means you have to keep scrapping functionality by the boatload. no buttons, huh? alternative is ignoring mobile users, in which case your traffic will be zero.
ah, i've stalled in my writing. i'm stuck on a couple world-building necessities to move on, but i feel like i should just write and it'll probably turn out okay regardless of whether the ideas are *perfectly* planned out or not. blegh.
the worst part of aging on the internet is realising no one else is aging with you and everyone is still a teenager, forever.
I'm stuck writing this theme that I'm using for the story, right? I'm trying to do this thing where there's recurring motivic content for emotional impact as the story unfolds, but man it's easy to get stuck in two-chord loops, hah. I'm no Bach here, regardless of how experienced a musician. Been playing a ton of piano lately- different compositional feel to the guitar.
I've spent the past week just putting in the hours with Blender. Thing's basically magic with how it's free, too. Amazing piece of software.
I've spent all day learning Blender so I could create a couple assets for the next part of my story. That was painful. Maybe I'll get faster as time goes on, hah. Welp, back to writing.
On another note, I came up with some worldbuilding that actually had me consult my old graduate topology textbook and thesis to make sure it all works right, hah.
I've begun to believe that all online video essay content is trash where the value is entirely parasocial by talentless hacks who have no central thesis at all. Maybe it's just the blurry plastic film of advertiser appeasement on top, but god, feel like I've never seen anyone say something *interesting* in one of those. There's so many, and they all belong on the third monitor to keep the silence and your own thoughts at bay. Like most of the modern internet.
Oh my poor lethargy. The sunlight hours are about to drop under 7 a day. Not that any sunlight shows for those either through the permanent overcast! i did a new update. the plot is doing some peeking. but hell, the soundeffects and music and coding are so much work, lol. on that note, fading in and out music in javascript suuuucks. gotta find a good way.
I just came up with some *worldbuildy stuff* for my site. Oh, it's on. I'm probably gonna mess it up but time to get to writing some sound effects...
so exhausted. no more work. here, have an incredible piece of drumming and soundscape: a friend showed me and i'm impressed.
i think i'm waking from my design frenzy. it's been three or so days of non-stop css and feature-creep. everything is way too meticulous, time to get on the creative side again.
...just one more UI/UX feature i swear i can quit whenever i want.
Wrote a bunch more tonight. I got to use my new features of sound effects and branching paths. I'm so glad to be done with the JS for now. More coffee forever. I'm pretty excited about the project. redesigned the entire site. keyboard controls. save and load features for progress. way too much JS for one lifetime.
gonna finish polishing the front page and then i can get to writing text and music again. (also /shore) working with more designs. also new update-notifier at the top means don't gotta click through all the dialogue prompts hehe. ow my hands. photoshop is NOT keyboard-friendly. built this music-storytelling thing for my site. god, it took *so* much coding, probably 10-11 hours today, but i've got the main structure working. now i can focus on the creative side. check it out, i'm kinda proud of the design.
hehehehe i bought for my little tilde page for fun. it's basically free. sure am glad the whois privacy worked out, lol. gah.
I've been using the talon software for a voice dictation for all of today, and it works way better than I ever expected. while I'm not going to entirely retire my hands, I feel like it's going to make a big difference in the strain by cutting out a lot of unnecessary mouse and keyboard use. I wrote this entire message without touching the keyboard or the mouse, hehehe.
Oh the sleep cycle, it goes round and round and round... Woke up at 6pm, 8pm, 10pm, midnight, 1am, 2:30am... One day, there will be two weeks where I wake up within the same hour.
someone in the finland subreddit interested in building a 1kW square wave generator with a <50ns dropoff to somehow generate ''''free'''' energy. unbeknownst to him, it would be simply be a very illegal broadband jammer, lol.
An inexplicable urge to watch either Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Mind Game, or Perfect Blue has struck me.
Ugh, my cybersec practice died when my laptop died. Friggin thing, gotta fix it. Something about the CMOS- OS wipes every time the battery goes out, replaced the SSD, too.
Also, trying to get your home network to allow all the stuff you're trying to do is *a pain*. Was doing Black Hat Python and man, nothing goes through internally, lol.
i'm totally getting some minimalist wide-toebox 0-drop shoes. sudden urge after restarting training, to be more healthy, lol.
gotta badly get on strength training again. been on-off through my entire 20s, making thus meager progress. bleh, just gotta keep doing it. it's not even hard to set aside the *time*, just the effort.
Note to self: clean your ears more often. Went swimming and was deaf for a week in my right ear until I fixed it. Again went swimming, so I'm now deaf in the left ear. Fuck, lol.
Back from the US, learning Ravel's 'Forlane' from 'Le Tombeau de Couperin'. It's pretty interesting to play. Ten thousand augmented and diminished chords.
Oh woops my flight is cancelled suddenly. Fun! AAAAAA. Ok there's flights the next day. Gahhhhhhh. One more airline for the blacklist, huh?
Going to the US on holiday tomorrow. Looking forward to everything but the CBP and TSA, lol. And the trillion hour flights with barely enough time during layovers, of course.
Thought: man I wish that 1. you could clear notifications from the front page and 2. usernames in notifications were clickable links.
Extremely minor activism of the day: if ( { document.title = "use firefox lol"; } My rebellion is unstoppable.
Dang hands are hurting like hell again, shame to have so many hobbies involving a kb+mouse, a guitar, a piano... and have to periodically avoid them due to overuse, boo! In similar news, playing around with network programming in python, it's very cool to manually deal with sockets and packets.
The 802.11 protocol is a pain in the ass. Who the heck decided to make the internet this complicated, aaaaaaa. In similar news, reading Black Hat Python 2nd Ed. It's a pretty good time, though my hands are killing me (rip typing with my precious, overused tendons).
Spent last night having fun with google dorking and open IP cams etc. Good times- the internet is not as locked down as one might think. Hopeful? Maybe a tiny bit, in the face of WEI and the whole world antagonising encryption, anyway.
In other news, I am starving, my sleep cycle is on its head and I'm waiting for the rice cooker to stave off my death for another evening. Gah.
Hello, everyone. This looks pretty cool. I was thinking of ways to build notpron-style puzzle sequence on my page. Anyway, new to Gemini as well- salutations etc.