馃懡 five_over_four

Note to self: clean your ears more often. Went swimming and was deaf for a week in my right ear until I fixed it. Again went swimming, so I'm now deaf in the left ear. Fuck, lol.

2 years ago


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5 Replies

馃懡 five_over_four

I've fixed it already. I used mainly peroxide and olive oil to soften it up, and then a plastic syringe to water jet it until some came loose. Took a bit of time, but it worked. 路 2 years ago

馃懡 clseibold

I think Hydrogen Peroxide will melt the wax in your ear, but don't quote me on this, I'm not a doctor, and it's unclear if it irritates your skin and eardrum or not, but I've done it myself just fine. You can go the safer (and likely more effective) route and see if there's earwax remover drops at the store. If this doesn't solve it, then it's probably more serious and you should tell a doctor that you already tried earwax remover and it didn't work. 路 2 years ago

馃懡 userfxnet

@five_over_four oof gfdi im sorry to hear yo :( i went before to whats called an accelerated urgent care near me and they've done it no prob, that's whack af they're being stiff on you bout it. I hope yr ear clears up soon sorry to hear again it's hard to find help for it :S 路 2 years ago

馃懡 five_over_four

@userfxnet they actually won't, called em. they said that if it's just wax, they'll just give instructions for flushing- they don't treat that in urgent. 路 2 years ago

馃懡 userfxnet

Vro go to the urgent care, they'll unstuff it for ya. cheers 路 2 years ago