gmisub aggregate

List of feeds

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Entries from the last month:


yumh - A Braifuck Compiler

Techrights - - Uncertain Future For Marginalia Search


Idiomdrottning - The World Language

Idiomdrottning - preserve

Idiomdrottning - Reverse your articles

Midnight Pub - tatterdemalion - Postprandial

Midnight Pub - mouse - Stumbles in the door...

Midnight Pub - brewed - The town of Wobbles

Midnight Pub - contrarian - Third Party

Midnight Pub - ovummetallicum - Greetings, pub people

Techrights -

Mika Feiler's Gemlog - urgent ink escapade laziness, and a webpage full of 2-4KB JPEGs

Ainent's Gemlog - Dragonoid Chronicles Wiki Announcement


Yet Another Tech Gemlog - — Thoughts on Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022)

Midnight Pub - madqubit - Phew

🤖 kelbot's gemlog - Bikes Rides, Music and Books

Techrights -

moddedBear's log - Dream Totem

道&c. - — Point d’écoute

Ainent's Gemlog - smolver development log, part 6


Zach's Capsule - I now use the PinePhone as my daily driver

Yet Another Tech Gemlog - — thoughts on the hare programming language; march 2020 to now

Ben's Gemlog ☪ - New CD's and Technical Update

Midnight Pub - inquiry - Miss ya, Chester

Midnight Pub - inquiry - Any other Cure fans these parts?

Midnight Pub - rrraksamam - Dream IV

ew0k is a Teddybear - Stuffed Like a Sugary Turkey

Techrights -


Idiomdrottning - You can tell I really really wanna complain about it but I'm not gonna

Alex Schroeder’s Diary - Traditionelle Zauber neu geschrieben

Alex Schroeder’s Diary - Warum ich kein Roll 20 verwende

Ben's Gemlog ☪ - Gemini Radio 2022

Midnight Pub - inquiry - If I were dictator....

Midnight Pub - sylvania - Sleeping

Martenblog - Those Consigned to the Pit Will Toast Their Vociferous Ways

Techrights -

Spiky Dinosaur - Hayfever


skyjake - Re: Geddit thread 443

Dmitry Bogatov (~kaction) place in internet - The silver lining of IT evolution

Dmitry Bogatov (~kaction) place in internet - Minimalism is not that minimal

Dmitry Bogatov (~kaction) place in internet - Life is fair, you say?

Idiomdrottning - Divest

Idiomdrottning - Postponing things is good

Idiomdrottning - A sinking tide lowers all boats

Alex Schroeder’s Diary - Stonehell Woche

Alex Schroeder’s Diary - Ursomantik

Ben's Gemlog ☪ - Testing From My Chromebook

ew0k is a Teddybear - When Should I Move On to the Next Book?

Techrights -

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - Routing a specific user on a specific network interface on Linux

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - Video guide to install OpenBSD 7.1 with the GNOME desktop

panda-roux's gemlog - Reframing thinking (ADHD)

panda-roux's gemlog - Another late night and digital notetaking

Ainent's Gemlog - Spinoff Projects from my MUD

The Boston Diaries - “We're a local newspaper run by a non-local company, we don't care about European readers”

The Boston Diaries - Does that mean I know have to unit test my text-only websites?


♪ poo-tee-weet ♫ - [樂] Jazzmaster - Pickguard Replacement & Re-shielding

Idiomdrottning - Så funkar omega-3

Shufei! - DIY - So You Want to Take a Snowbath

Alex Schroeder’s Diary - Telefon am Spieltisch

Midnight Pub - faiz - Top of the Morning

Midnight Pub - contrarian - The Hyperfeminine Bimbo

Techrights -

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - Reduce httpd web server bandwidth usage by serving compressed files

The Boston Diaries - I have now wrapped my brain around how it got that link

The Boston Diaries - Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

The Boston Diaries - Notes on some extreme lawn ornaments, Brevard edition


InvisibleUp's Phlog - Wead

Idiomdrottning - Mandatory Planet-Wrecking

Midnight Pub - tetris - Wheeler's Participatory Anthropic Principle and Disney's Coco / An inquiry of inquiries

Midnight Pub - madqubit - mildly infuriating

Midnight Pub - mellita - 1st Decan of Taurus

Midnight Pub - johano - 1st Decan of Taurus

Techrights -

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - OpenBSD 7.1: fan noise and high temperature solution

Ainent's Gemlog - Bad Bot?

The Boston Diaries - Notes on fixing a Java issue on Mac OS Big Sur

The Boston Diaries - Notes on obtaining a process ID from Java on Mac OS Big Sur


An Inhabitant of Carcosa - — I'm not giving up on Gemini

Alex Schroeder’s Diary - Time management

Midnight Pub - yretek - Hello, midnight

Midnight Pub - madqubit - The mainframe isn't going anywhere.

~ew's FlightLog - Re: The Mechanical Keyboard Addiction

ew0k is a Teddybear - Toki Pona Exercises For Lesson 1

🤖 kelbot's gemlog - April Thoughts

Techrights -

Ainent's Gemlog - [ES] Re: Zombis

The Boston Diaries - The day I met the creator of Garfield

nnix - The French Toast got a review.

nnix - Now on Molly Brown!


skyjake - Long Weekend Thoughts

Trying To Be Constructive - Authoring man pages with mdoc(7)

Idiomdrottning - Världsspråket

ew0k is a Teddybear - "We Value Your Privacy"

Techrights -


Idiomdrottning - Doubling down on Paludan

ew0k is a Teddybear - I Guess I'm Mr Tea

Techrights -

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog - Operating systems battle: OpenBSD vs NixOS

Ainent's Gemlog - Todo Lists

Spiky Dinosaur - I didn't understand Test Driven Design (and the cost to my career)


sferics - three round tuits 1 KiB Apr 17 2022

♪ poo-tee-weet ♫ - [樂] Hummingbird: Father-Daughter Guitar Build

Idiomdrottning - Drawbacks with, and alternatives to, the plotted side quest system

Alex Schroeder’s Diary - Rorschachhamsters Monsterhandbuch

Ben's Gemlog ☪ - Pine Phone Pro

Ben's Gemlog ☪ - Back Home

reidrac's Personal Gemlog - Re: Stepping away from Gemini


dctrud's Gemlog - gmi to html With awk

Idiomdrottning - Rikspolischefen

Idiomdrottning - Free speech, vs itself

Idiomdrottning - Re: Stepping away from Gemini

Idiomdrottning - Genre Awareness

Alex Schroeder’s Diary - Plenty of gaming

Martenblog - Behold the Hallucination

Drew DeVault's geminispace - Stepping away from Gemini

The Boston Diaries - My common Gemini crawler pitfalls


skyjake - In the Land of Columns and Characters

dctrud's Gemlog - Easter Long Weekend

Idiomdrottning - You say you want a revolution

Idiomdrottning - Election Strategy

Midnight Pub - johano - Quicksilver Day, Leaden Night

l’angolo di yumh - Esperimenti con la FTS

smolZINE - Issue 24

The Boston Diaries - There are only two certainties in life; this post is about one of them, and it's not death


Trying To Be Constructive - The original cancel cultures

yumh - Experiments in writing a full text search engine

dctrud's Gemlog - Bringing Back Old Content

Idiomdrottning - Quick thoughts on Lemmy

Midnight Pub - rrraksamam - Hi

~ew's FlightLog - Lecture 2: Astrophysics? Why bother?

~ew's FlightLog - Lecture 1: On Space Travel

moddedBear's log - Infra

ReK2, Hispagatos - Personal capsule - Mid April update 2022

Beyond Neolithic Life - Salvage — Issue 11: Already, Not Yet

Mika Feiler's Gemlog - Palm m100 battery connectors repair, right after joining the PalmDB Discord server

Roche Limit - Easter Break


dctrud's Gemlog - Busy Week (so far)

Alex Schroeder’s Diary - Retainers and hirelings

Mika Feiler's Gemlog - antenna treats relative feed urls as absolute, at least when given a dir wo slash (this post lacks a follow up)

Mika Feiler's Gemlog - This time for real getting started with using that Palm IIIxe

The Boston Diaries - Can someone explain to me why this happens?

The Boston Diaries - Just an observation, nothing more

The Boston Diaries - It's been long gone, like fifteen years long gone. Why are you still asking?


♪ poo-tee-weet ♫ - [樂] New-to-me Mandolin

Idiomdrottning - Song Symmetry

Midnight Pub - dsp - hello midnight

Midnight Pub - johano - More Poetry

Midnight Pub - mellita - 3rd Decan of Aries

The Flume - You reap what you sow

dG's ASCII art log - Starsky & Hutch Dance

The Boston Diaries - Github shenanigans

2022-04-11 - Lexicon Architectural Rubberducking

イェンスの宝石 - Binary Coded Decimal


dctrud's Gemlog - Hosting on the Sun Blade 100

Idiomdrottning - The Art that Broke the Mold

Idiomdrottning - Modules and Toolboxes

Alex Schroeder’s Diary - How to Perl

~ew's FlightLog - Rant: hardware, software, data --- why issit not werka?

Gemfeed of - Creative universe

dG's ASCII art log - Snake logic (tutorial/tips)


Midnight Pub - sojourner - Time intervals


Midnight Pub - lufte - Is gemini a read-only protocol?

Midnight Pub - inquiry - a nod to the merciless heropass

Midnight Pub - johano - Two Poems

moddedBear's log - TIC-80 Dino Run

panda-roux's gemlog - New gemlog URL format (and how it works)

panda-roux's gemlog - Question about malicious web requests

Beyond Neolithic Life - Breaking Things At Work: The Luddites Were Right About Why You Hate Your Job

Mika Feiler's Gemlog - '3 Man Chess: In The Round' in APL (NARS2000). Part 2.


A low-key gemlog - PSA - PC DualSense Users

An Inhabitant of Carcosa - — The Imp of the Perverse

Idiomdrottning - Choosing SOFA

Midnight Pub - serafin - Seems like a nice place to relax

Midnight Pub - rrraksamam - Dream III

~ew's FlightLog - Re: The Theological Problem Behind Firefox in Ubuntu 22.04

Cadence's gemlog - Hacking osu!lazer for fun and fun - The Bargain Bin B-Tree

Mika Feiler's Gemlog - '3 Man Chess: In The Round' in APL (NARS2000). Part 1.


Idiomdrottning - Help! My rising tide is lifting all those boats!

Midnight Pub - theoria - Evening.

Midnight Pub - tskaalgard - Every Matrix Client Sucks

Alyssa Rosenzweig - Update: A smol kernel hack

Beyond Neolithic Life - The Automation Myth


skyjake - Lagrange v1.12: Export/Import, Bottom Bars, Visual Evolution

Midnight Pub - benj - Ice Wine


Alex's Gemlog - Announcing Crabmail

Yet Another Tech Gemlog - — Re: Is There A Better Hard Drive Metaphor?

Midnight Pub - tetris - Housing the World

🤖 kelbot's gemlog - PineDA Interface Asciinema Demo

Roche Limit - Effective Pedagogy vs Trendy Interventions


Midnight Pub - clownyangel - Hello, I'm new.

Midnight Pub - ew - A bit of winter at last

Midnight Pub - johano - Belated poem for the new month

~ew's FlightLog - Re: Everything Breaks

Martenblog - Uncontaminated by the current cynicism

moddedBear's log - Parenting and Social Media Thoughts - Is There A Better Hard Drive Metaphor?


~ew's FlightLog - Commute 5

~ew's FlightLog - Clock Skew 2022 Edition

2022-04-01 - A Serial Console

Midnight Pub - mellita - 2nd Decan of Aries

Midnight Pub - rrraksamam - Dream II

Midnight Pub - sleepwalker - I…

Midnight Pub - johano - Gweithio yn yr ardd heddiw...

smolZINE - Issue 23

Adou’s Gemlog - Jacques Ellul, *Anarkiismo kaj kristanismo* (2)


Dmitry Bogatov (~kaction) place in internet - Too much freedom for the layman

Midnight Pub - joneworlds - Orange 47a

Drew DeVault's geminispace - Anime recommendation: Fate

Mika Feiler's Gemlog - How I was getting started with APL recently. NARS2000.

Ainent's Gemlog - Retro Gaming - PSP


Midnight Pub - lufte - I seem to have lost my way

Midnight Pub - nocturne - ? (it's morning)

Drew DeVault's geminispace - The Netherlands needs drug reform (yes, really)


Midnight Pub - sleepwalker - what lurks in the shadows

Mika Feiler's Gemlog - How comes be discovered on the webs. A stranger on my public Matrix channel.

2022-03-28 - Microsoft Pro Intellimouse

Midnight Pub - pitichampi - A new guy in space

Martenblog - The Answer They Reveal - Life is Unreal

Mika Feiler's Gemlog - RSS by hand? Gemlog index by hand? A gemlog index for a tinylog?

Mika Feiler's Gemlog - Getting up to test my calculator's IrDA

Ainent's Gemlog - Librem 5 Flexibility