Eight years ago (wow! Has it been that long? [Yes. —Editor] [Who asked you? —Sean]) while in Brevard [1], I took a picture of some extreme lawn ornaments—life sized plastic cows [2]. I wrote the “eat moar chikin” image caption (if you hold your mouse over the image, it should pop up) because the cows reminded me of the cows used by Chick-fil-a [3].
I'm reading the Transylvania Times [4] when I come across the article “Transylvanian of the Week: John Taylor [5].” He owns O.P. Taylor's [6], a well known toy store in the area, and he's the one with the life sized plastic cows in his front yard. Not only that, but he purchased them from the person who made them for Chick-fil-a. Little did I know that my caption was more correct than I thought.
[3] https://www.chick-fil-a.com/