
Lecture 1: On Space Travel



Over at Midnight Pub ~theoria says:

Tell me more about the astrophysics! I've always found promises of interplanetary travel unrealistic and irresponsible in regards to the planet we already inhabit. I can't imagine the logistics of shuttling a significant proportion of the first-world population (let alone the world population) off-planet. It's the vapid daydreaming of those wealthy enough to waste billions.

My original reply

Tell me more about Astrophysics

Astrophysics? Ok, well. You already found out that we will not leave this planet in our attached life form in numbers exceeding a few dozen. I have ranted about the fashionable escape elsewhere:


However, one can for a few minutes make a thought experiment, of the "what if" sort. What if we must ship a group of folks to Proxima Centauri (or near there) in a desperate attempt to keep human life afloat while the planet burns? Without much thinking:

Of course, there has been serious scientific work on all these. And of course, there has been literature written about some of the aspects mentioned. For example:

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