Capsules are single-person spaces where the geminaut (you) can upload files.
Differences from regular Phoebe wiki spaces
You need a Gemini client to read the Transjovian capsules:
If you want to upload files to your capsule, I suggest you use Lagrange.
Lagrange for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Here is how I update my capsule, on my phone:
This page also has instructions for people using Elpher and Gemini Write. Install them from MELPA.
Pick or create an identity in Lagrange
The client certificate is like a username & password
Set up your capsule using Lagrange
Create a new file using Lagrange
Edit an existing file using Lagrange
Upload a new image using Lagrange
File size and file type limits
Set up your capsule using Elpher
Create a new file using Elpher and Gemini Write
Edit an existing file using Elpher and Gemini Write
Other topics:
If you get stuck, mail me, and we'll fix it, together. 📧