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Labs was a playground where adventurous youth builders came to construct their dream technology projects. In the lab, youth work on growing and applying their skills all while pursuing the objectives of their projects.
Hoist Annapolis Valley was a tech club for teens interested in coding, design and entrepreneurship. I organized monthly meetups, participation in competitions, developed curriculum, organized camps, and mentored youth.
ScratchFest was a weekend Build-a-thon for kids and teens interested in creating amazing original work with digital technologies, such as the Scratch programming environment, Processing, Virtual Reality, and more.
Creative Computing was a course as well as a Summer camp that focused on exposing kids to the computer sciences. The course used the popular Scratch programming environment, as well as other platforms, to aid young people (aged 8 to 13) in learning the basics of software development.
Business building ideation competition
An incubation lab for startup ventures in the New Media space that focused on one of our greatest assets here in the Annapolis Valley: Food!
Format: 48 hours hackathon/startup weekend that pairs food-idea people with New Media builders.
Target: Rethinking the age old problems of: production, distribution, and consumption.
A community of designers, developers, and innovators working to refresh the creative, technical, and professional culture of digital technology endeavours in the Annapolis Valley while promoting design, technology, and entrepreneurship.
Institute for Social Econology
The Social Ecology Speakers Bureau brought together some of the most influential activists and educators working with social ecological. The SESB speakers were available for lectures and workshops, and covered a wide range of issues, including globalisation, politics and activism, biotechnology, feminism, community development, ecological design, and more.
The Community Arts Project
The Community Arts Project was a South African organisation dedicated to providing people-centred education and training in the visual and performing arts. CAP worked with youth and unemployed adults and was committed to promoting the arts for community development. Historically, CAP was integral to the anti-apartheid movement.
8th Continental Conference on Social Ecology
The 8th Continental Conference on Social Ecology was a three-day conference focused on the theme of Social Ecology and Education. It featured a wide array of presentations, workshops and panel discussions examining the role of education and educators in addressing key contemporary social and political issues. The event attracted well over 200 participants from across Canada and the USA.
The New School at Dawson College is a CEGEP level alternative school based on the principles of humanistic education. I co-facilitated a course on "Social Change and Grassroots Organising." The course explored different theories of oppression, visions for a new society, and political activism.
Association d'espace de l'espace libre et imaginaire
The Association d'espace de l'espace libre et imaginaire was a not-for-profit corporation devoted to the upkeep of the historic 2033 St. Laurent. This Montréal building was home to the Librairie Alternative Bookshop, a bookstore devoted to issues of labour, ecology, feminism, sexual identity, and social justice.
Librairie Alternative Bookshop
The Librairie Alternative Bookshop is a collectively owned and operated non-profit bookstore. Dating back to 1974, the bookshop grew out of the antinuclear and peace movements of the time.
Québec Public Interest Research Group at Concordia University
The Québec Public Interest Research Group at Concordia University is an umbrella organization of students, community activists, researchers and educators dedicated to research, education, and action. QPIRG's goal is to sensitize the community to social and environmental issues concerning Montréalers while promoting active citizenship.
Food Not Bombs - Montréal Chapter
Food Not Bombs is a community based organisation dedicated to the combating of poverty through direct action food services. I co-funded the Montréal chapter.