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jsonresume-gemini is a single purpose server implementation of the Gemini protocol: server up your JSON Resume over the Gemini protocol
Acadia Entrepreneurship Centre
Elev8 was a digital program for students in grades 6-8. I developed and delivered curriculum focused on how to build and test your own digital business ideas.
Little utility that displays an instagram profile's posts ordered by likes
Organizer and mentor for a co-sponsored event between Acadia University, Refresh Annapolis Valley, and Acadia Women in Technology Society (WITS). Worked with the WITS student group to develop their capacity to take the lead on teaching the workshop.
Opening Doors program is designed to provide resources for educators from the Tech industry. In this talk I explored the data on how we are failing girls despite curricular reforms in Computer Science education, and possible remedies.
Workshop that explored pre-product prototype design tools to express app ideas.
Introductory workshop on 3D design and printing
Organizer and mentor for a co-sponsored event between Acadia University, Refresh Annapolis Valley, and Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) at Acadia. Worked with the then WISE student group to develop their capacity to take the lead on teaching the workshop.
Three webVR workshops presented across the entire female grade 9 student body
f5://imagination was a pop up exhibit focused on digital creativity. This one day temporary exhibit featured work from digital artists, makers, scratchers, computer scientists, engineers and pretendgineers, hardware hackers, lego robotics warriors, indy game developers, new media innovators, VR and AR pioneers… digital builders of all shapes, sizes, and credentials.
Face explored the digital eye and its ability to interact and interpret your own head. This exhibit featured an array of laptops that syndicated your head. Each head node would use various ML approaches to derive and display "meaning" from your observed face. face was presented at f5://imagination, a pop up exhibit focused on digital creativity.
Organizer and mentor for a co-sponsored event between Acadia University, Refresh Annapolis Valley, and Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) at Acadia. Worked with the then WISE student group to develop their capacity to take the lead on teaching the workshop.
Introductory workshop for teens on AI, Machine Learning, and Computer Vision
A workshop that explored Kanban as a lightweight tool for overseeing the project processes.
Nathanson Seaman Watts - Law Firm
NSW is a multi-practice law firm. I consulted with the firm on establishing their first website, coordinated content development, worked with a designer to establish a general design direction, implemented a custom WordPress theme, provided basic CMS training, and deployed.
In this talk I reviewed top 10 web application security risks, how they work, and how you can defend your web properties against them.
Talk I gave about defining semantically meaningful HTML
Various contributions to this open source client which implements the STOMP protocol
Azur Development
Azur Development was a Congolease run development organisation committed to address issues of gender equality, ecology, HIV/AIDS, and information technologies. In conjunction with Block, Street & Building, I redesigned their website to better reflect the work they do.
The War & Peace Foundation
The War & Peace Foundation was an international NGO committed to political and social change. Starting with a simple re-design of a previous web-site, I implemented a customised "Geeklog" content management system for the organisation. This installation included the development of a news syndication module, as well as hacking the main code to get it to bend in ways it didn't.
Institute for Anarchist Studies
The IAS is a foundation that offers grants to authors. This web project serviced prospective applicants, grant recipients, supporters, and the Board of Directors.
Alliance for Freedom and Direct Democracy
A now defunct confederation of organization working towards the advancement of directly democratic political practices. I constructed a rudimentary web-site for the organisation, as well as ran several mailing lists.
Benny Farm Affordable Home Ownership Initiative
Les Habitations Communautaires NDG (HCNDG) and Les Habitations Sherbrooke Forest (HSF) are two affiliated non-profit community-housing organisations who have played an important role in providing affordable housing to the Notre-Dame-de-Grâce neighbourhood in the west end of Montreal. I designed their website that was a crucial tool in their bid to create affordable homes at Benny Farm.
flag.blackened.net was an all volunteer run Internet Service Provider that offered free services for non-profit organizations from around the world. My contribution to this project included a complete redesign of the project webpage, along with implementation and support of various other Internet technologies (mailing lists, content management systems, etc.) that met the needs of flag users. My responsibilities included monitoring systems status (flag ran on freeBSD), maintaining services (Apache, MySQL, and Mailman primarily), and supporting users.
Institute for Social Ecology
The ISE provides college level courses in the field of Social Ecology. This project focused on public facing web and email, as well as a faculty extranet.
Mom & Pop Media
Framework was a lightweight PHP web application development toolkit for creating large-scale PHP application. It aimed to solve common web-application development needs out of the box, while providing a 3-tiered architecture and modular environment for developing new applications.
Mom & Pop Media
Carrier Pigeon was an open source email newsletter solution that integrates with any web-site. The application provided tools necessary to run an email newsletter program. It supported HTML and plain text emails, generating plain text from the HTML version on demand. In addition, it offered subscription management, an interface for building newsletters, archive of past issues, and much more. Built in PHP 4 and running MySQL for storing data, this was my first serious web program. It was used by several of my freelance clients.
PHPWeblog was a GPL licensed PHP 4/MySQL based news portal that grew to be pretty popular way back when. I deployed a version of PHPWeblog for a high traffic site called InfoShop. My customizations for this project resulted in several contributions to speed up the server side code. This included re-designing the database and implementing a file system based cache of generated content.
Harbinger, a Journal of Social Ecology
An in house publication of the Institute for Social Ecology. The website target audience includes academics, community groups, faculty, alumni, and the ISE student body. The web site was composed of dynamic and static content. Dynamic components include a PHP/MySQL driven guest book. Along with filling the position of Managing Editor, I was responsible for the conceptualisation, development, and maintenance of the entire project—server to front end design.
Community Arts Project
Part of a 5 month long work placement with CAP had me developing their web site. The project included collaboratively developing the web site's objectives with the organisation and implementing a design solution.
Adult Learning South Africa
Adult Learning South Africa was an on-line resource for adult educators and learners in South Africa. I served as the Information Architect while I lived in South Africa. For many months following this, I offered technical support during the design phase.
Left Green Perspectives
Left Green Perspectives was a sporadic publication of the Social Ecology Project spearheaded by American intellectuals Murray Bookchin and Janet Biehl. The goal of this project was to provide an on-line archive of past issues. This web site was one of my first.
TAO Communications
My introduction to my first Linux shell was through a free account with TAO Communications where I eventually gained enough experience to earn root and minor system administration responsibilities.