Comment by StrangeBid7233 on 19/01/2025 at 09:26 UTC

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Therapy for me has been kinda here and there, sometimes I feel like I'm progressing, other times I don't, which I presume is normal. And on goal thing I can fully relate, I get so focused on ONE goal that everything else doesn't matter, and when I achieve it I don't feel happy, I feel shitty that I don't feel happy and I find something else to hyperfocus on.

Wanting to go back to an ex is common issue, as my therapist puts it we tend to idolize too much, it's hard to remember bad shit sometimes. I also have good friends that told me they would beat me up if I ever say "I'd get back with her", shoutout to my friends taking care of me.

On man thingie, I was same, always stud out, I used to be embarrassed about my feminine side, but my last relationship she actually liked that part of me a lot, like girl was legit happy as a mouse that she could talk about makeup with her boyfriend and how much I was interested in all of that, and it connected to me how much better it felt that I could be open about it. I also realized, since I became more open about it, how much easier it's for me to make female friends,

I realize it's hard to get out of black and white thinking as I'm guilty of it as much as you, and my therapist has also been trying to help me get out of it, it does sometimes still make me very insecure that I don't feel super manly, and it was always fear in past relationships that I wasn't seen as "sexy" and "hot" due to it.

Best of luck to you with everything dude!


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