Re: Opening of the first modules a new Gemini station

On Tue, 2021-05-18, Frank Jüdes wrote:
> 1. 🖨 Large Characters
>    Easily create flashy banner-texts in many different fonts with the
>    this utility: It reads your text and prints it out in all 290
>    installed character-sets, ready for you to copy and past into your
>    own page. ➡ gemini://

Nice.  Similar to

But using ASCII-art and stylized Unicode characters has accessibility
implications that have been discussed at length on this list [1] and
elsewhere [2].  The output of your Unicode Text Converter [3] doesn't
play well with screen readers, so please add a notice pointing this out.
Also, it's good practice to label preformatted blocks that contain ASCII
art in the same way you would add an "alt" attribute to an HTML <img>
tag.  Example:

 ``` ASCII-art text: "test"
_            _
| |_ ___  ___| |_
| __/ _ \/ __| __|
| ||  __/\__ \ |_


[1] gemini://
[2] gemini://
[3] gemini://


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