Hi Friends! as promised, two new modules have docked at gemini://h2903872.stratoserver.net/ 🚀 1. 🖨 Large Characters Easily create flashy banner-texts in many different fonts with the this utility: It reads your text and prints it out in all 290 installed character-sets, ready for you to copy and past into your own page. ➡ gemini://h2903872.stratoserver.net/cgi-bin/figlet 2. 📦 Text in a Box Similar to the Large Characters, this utility surrounds your text with a more or less sophisticated box, drawn with ASCII-characters. ➡ gemini://h2903872.stratoserver.net/cgi-bin/boxes More modules are already under construction 🏗 and will dock soon! Best regards from Charleston (WV), Frank/2 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My Gemini capsule orbits at gemini://h2903872.stratoserver.net/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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