Der Kaiser und der Kronprinz als Paten


Es kommt nicht alltäglich vor, daß der Kaiser in einer Familie, welcher der siebente Sohn geboren wurde, Patenstelle übernimmt, weit seltener aber, daß nach dem Kaiser der Kronprinz bei der Geburt des achten Sohnes als Pate gebeten wird. Dieser Fall ist in Lübeck eingetreten. Vor zwei Jahren wurde Herrn Ernst Moritz, dem Inhaber des Hotel International, der 7. Sohn geboren und der Kaiser übernahm neben dem Lübecker Senat die Patenschaft. Vor ca. 3 Monaten erlebte Herr Moritz die Freude, daß sich zu dem Patenkind des Kaisers und Senates noch ein achtes Brüderchen gesellte, bei dem der Kronprinz des deutschen Reiches Pate stand. Zur dauernden Erinnerung ließ der Kronprinz als Patengeschenk einen wertvollen Becher mit seinem Bildnis und einer Widmung überreichen. Da dieses Ereignis vielleicht einzig im Reiche dastehen dürfte, will die „Illustrierte für Lübeck“ es im Bilde festhalten. Von links nach rechts die Söhne: Ernst, 19 Jahre, William, 16 Jahre, Max und Ludwig (Zwillinge), 12 Jahre, Otto, 10 Jahre, Friedrich, 4 Jahre, Wilhelm-Hermann (Patenkind des Kaisers und Senates), 2 Jahre, Wilhelm-Paul-Peter (Patenkind des Kronprinzen), 3 Monate.

Regina Diederichsen schreibt hierzu: “Allerdings fehlt der 9. Sohn Heinrich. Somit muss der Bericht vor dem Jahr 1916 entstanden sein.”

Wir selber stammen vom 3. Sohn ab, Max.



(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)


I am Juan José Martínez Moritz, from Colombia, but I am living in Germany now!!! I am a great grandson from Ludwig. So we are family!

I am very interested in looking for my ancestors and discover the history of the family.

– Juan José Martínez Moritz 2016-11-06 13:41 UTC


Haha, awesome! Since my line descends from Ludwig’s twin Max that makes third cousins, I guess?

third cousins

There is more about his daughter Agnes Li-Marchetti. She recently died after many years with Alzheimer’s, sadly.

Agnes Li-Marchetti

– Alex Schroeder 2016-11-06 15:39 UTC


Yeah! We are third cousins. Haha, this is amazing.

I have taken a little look the memories from Agnes (in this moment I am learning German, so my comprehension level is not good) and there are absolutely awesome, there are full of Colombia, Mexico, the Moritz’s Hotel, Lübeck and the War references.

In this moment I am living in Lübeck (since 3 months ago) and I firmly believe that I will stay in Germany for a long-long time. It is cool to connect with long relatives, that could help me to understand the history of my family and my roots here in Germany.

How can I contact you?

I am making my family tree too, we can share information and stories.

Your wiki is pretty cool!

– Juan José Martínez Moritz 2016-11-06 20:22 UTC


Thanks. My contact information is here: Contact. Mail is best, I think. I live in Zürich, Switzerland, so quite far from Lübeck. I have never been there, in fact. I know relatives of mine have visited other relatives that still live there, or in the area, so I could try digging up some information and help you make contact.


There is a little bit more information in the memoirs of Agnes’ husband, Roland Li-Marchetti, but it’s in French... :D

Roland Li-Marchetti

– Alex Schroeder 2016-11-06 22:04 UTC


Oops, nooo! I just checked and it says:

… (skip a few pages) …

I guess I got confused by those pages and decided not to copy them. If you’re interested, I’ll try and find the original and see what I can find.

– Alex Schroeder 2016-11-06 22:08 UTC



Sorry to write too late. I was so much busy these months because I started German lessons in Lübeck (and obviously, how to live in another country), and I was preparing me for a a English exam (C1 certificate), so, you can understand.

In addition, I have already found a picture of Ludwig (Luis) Moritz and his brother Max (I am almost sure that he is Max). Here it is:

Two white men

Furthermore, I was totally amazed when I saw my great-grandfather and recognize similarities between he and me. Hence, I made a comparison of our symmetry and I obtained this picture:

Half a face from a young man and half a face from a different man

Obviously it doesn’t fit perfectly and the photos didn’t take in with the same perspective, zoom, etc. However, I think that I am very similar to my great-grandfather.

What do you think, Alex???

– Juan José Martínez Moritz 2017-02-09 21:55 UTC


Amazing! 😄 I’ll forward this to the family.

– AlexSchroeder 2017-02-10 05:58 UTC