You should blame @stevenwesleyguiles for the #10in10 challenge.
See: http://fawm.org/forums/topic/4849/
I didn't do boss fight challenge. Not that you can tell because these are all crapcapella. Only my darling voice was used. I'm thinking of trying it again with a bottom-up approach and starting with instruments.
The concept was to blur the lines between political advertisement for insects and advertising jingles for insects, but some of them came off a little as PSAs.
Song-specific notes:
Grubworms Humans can (and do) eat grubworms.
Centipede Centipedes eat spiders.
Cockroaches This is clearly a political advertisement. "Prop 48" was picked arbitrarily for the song, and should not be used as an recommendation to vote in one way or the other.
Box Elder Bug The box elder bug will invade homes, but does not cause any harm.
Dung Beetle As the elephant population has decreased, so has that of the dung beetle.
Mayflies Mayflies only live for two days. They won't live to see retirement, so they shouldn't have to spend their time working.
Painted Ladies Painted ladies eat cosmos.
Thrips Some thrips create galls on trees.
Tarantula Hawk The tarantula hawk is a species of wasp that provides a live tarantula to feed its young.
📔 song lyrics posted on 2015-02-05 @ 12:45am
* Insects
* Insects
* Insects
* Insects
* Insects
* Insects
* Insects
* Insects
* Insects
* Insects
* Insects
Date: 2015-02-05 @ 12:45am
Grubworms: not just for hamsters!
Grubworms: they're really nice!
There's a spider in the Senate: Vote Centipede!
There's a spider in the Senate: Vote Centipede!
There's a fly on your wall. You have no privacy.
There's a fly on your wall. You have no privacy.
Does not exist.
Cockroaches don't need health care!
Cockroaches don't need health care!
Vote NO on Prop 48!
The box elder bug needs a place to crash
(Hey man, I need a place to crash.)
The box elder bug needs a place to crash
(I really won't be here that long.)
We are Dung Beetles against the Ivory Trade
(We love elephants.)
We are Dung Beetles against the Ivory Trade
(We really love elephants.)
Mayflies should qualify for disability
(I've only got two days, man.)
Mayflies should qualify for disability
(Two days.)
The cosmos waits for the painted lady.
(I'd like the cosmos, please.)
(Thank you!)
The gall of the thrips.
The gall of the thrips.
The thrips and the gall and
the gall of the thrips.
The tarantula hawk is the family values wasp.
The tarantula hawk is the family values wasp.
Category: Mock Public Service Messages