:Title: Grubworms Grubworms: not just for hamsters! Grubworms: they're really nice! ---- :Title: Centipede There's a spider in the Senate: Vote Centipede! There's a spider in the Senate: Vote Centipede! Centipede! ---- :Title: Fly There's a fly on your wall. You have no privacy. (Cockroaches) There's a fly on your wall. You have no privacy. (Flies) Privacy! (Spiders) Does not exist. ---- :Title: Cockroaches Cockroaches don't need health care! Cockroaches don't need health care! Vote NO on Prop 48! ---- :Title: Box Elder Bug The box elder bug needs a place to crash (Hey man, I need a place to crash.) The box elder bug needs a place to crash (I really won't be here that long.) ---- :Title: Dung Beetle We are Dung Beetles against the Ivory Trade (We love elephants.) We are Dung Beetles against the Ivory Trade (We really love elephants.) ---- :Title: Mayflies Mayflies should qualify for disability (I've only got two days, man.) Mayflies should qualify for disability (Two days.) ---- :Title: Painted Ladies The cosmos waits for the painted lady. (I'd like the cosmos, please.) (Thank you!) ---- :Title: Thrips The gall of the thrips. The gall of the thrips. The thrips and the gall and the gall of the thrips. ---- :Title: Tarantula Hawk The tarantula hawk is the family values wasp. The tarantula hawk is the family values wasp.