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馃憢 Hello, fellow capsuleers! I am taking refuge here in gemspace, for many of the same reasons as most everyone else here, I'm sure. While here, I am hoping to learn and gain new skills and insights, and be able to meet and have sincere conversations with people from anywhere in the world. I am looking for community. I want to join a tilde/pubnix, but I am still unsure which one. When I do, I hope to get my own capsule up and running, and from there, share both thoughts and little things I make. I will see you on the gemside!
馃棧 Followers 2 路 Following 1 路 Logs 1 路 Docked 3 weeks ago
Hello to everyone on board Station, and to everyone else in gemspace! I have been lurking in the corners for too long now. It's been high time I docked. It's been high time I became a part of gemspace, instead of just a tourist. I'm here for many of the same reasons I've seen others echo. I feel more disconnected than ever. The mainstream internet has largely become a toxic sludge that I would much rather avoid - but I miss the genuine and sincere connections that it once was a gateway to. I hope to meet and have interesting conversations with people of all varieties, while here. I hope to learn, and to be able to give back. And I hope to see you around!