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馃懡 sebhoagie

馃棧 Followers 2 路 Following 3 路 Logs 5 路 Docked 2 years ago



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馃懡 sebhoagie

As I keep progressing on Esperanto, both on Duolingo and esperanto12.net, I wonder...is there any books I can (try to) start reading? to get more vocabulary. This Sunday I didn't find anything at my local library, sadly.

馃挰 3 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 sebhoagie

Life in the bench of the consulting company is weird. I feel anxious about not being productive, and that anxiety also prevents me from working on hobby projects (which is the first thing I thought of doing when I found out I was project-less at work)

馃挰 2 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 2 years ago

馃懡 sebhoagie

Finally posting via Emacs thanks to @platypus_laser 馃檱 Thank you so much!

馃挰 0 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

馃懡 sebhoagie

LOooops. I think I am fumbling the newlines when I push changes to my gemlog. I vaguely recall that gemtext uses CRLF line endings? Time to go back to the docs :)

馃挰 0 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 2 years ago

馃懡 sebhoagie

There is no way to make a good introduction. Hi :)

馃挰 8 Replies 路 8 Thumbs 路 2 years ago

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