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馃實 FR
馃棧 Followers 12 路 Following 9 路 Logs 24 路 Docked 3 years ago
Argh. Got off the gemini bandwagon for a few months and geminispace.info died in the meantime?!! Any good alternative?
馃挰 2 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 2 months ago
I'm on a business trip, with my very light crappy-but-can-standby-for-a-week laptop. I like the change of pace it forces down on me; the web is a painful experience, memory is at a premium, gemini est really smooth, CLI is the only way for things to work smoothly.
馃挰 0 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 3 months ago
Long time no see... winter mood makes me come back to smolweb :)
馃挰 2 Replies 路 4 Thumbs 路 3 months ago
Do you know of any good role playing resource on Gemini? I'm currently working on a small 5e setting/campaign and I get tired of shoveling crappy content from the web.
馃挰 10 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 1 year ago
Hey @martin ! There is currently quite a lot for different languages on global feed nowadays, which is nice. One nice feature from fediverse that would be nice to have around here is language tagging / filtering for logs. May it sound interesting to language geeks such as you ;)
馃挰 2 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 1 year ago
Went to the bookstore to get one book. I ended up with a dozen books. Again. So many SF books french releases/reprints, my bank account didn't stand a chance :D
馃挰 2 Replies 路 4 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Due to random events, I'm having a blast reading stuff about 80s-90s LCD games, mostly Tiger's.
馃挰 4 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
I've been ill for a few days, some virus from kid's school. I haven't felt this bad in a looong time, spent 2 days in bed. Guess I'm getting old ^^'
馃挰 2 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
It's somehow mainstream now, but I'm amazed Dwarf Fortress is finally releasing a "clean" game (still far from final). I've been waiting for 15 years!
馃挰 7 Replies 路 6 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Sometimes I feel like my home IT setup is a bit overkill. But when my NAS died on me and I took me less than one hour to change its mobo and restart it, I can't help but feel a little pride :)
馃挰 5 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
I just couldn't work on my projects (nor write about them) this week... it's so hard to stay motivated when doing stuff alone.
馃挰 2 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
New dev log entry, gemini://esa.prk.st/posts/2022/2022-09-03-making-the-game-fun.gmi Nothing much this week, but still alive :)
馃挰 0 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Is there any twtxt agregator/collection around? Antenna has a twtxt subsection but it's almost empty
馃挰 0 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
@skyjake, how does gemini://skyjake.fi/~Cosmos/ collect data? specific crawling (antenna+station+...) ? generic crawler?
馃挰 3 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 2 years ago
Does anyone have any pointers to documentation/specs regarding gemsub? I've found multiple tools making use of it, but nothing about how to do it...
馃挰 4 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
As @ophiucus wanted to know more, I wrote a summary of my greeting card project at gemini://esa.prk.st/posts/2022/2022-08-27-new-season-greetings-project.gmi
馃挰 2 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Last year I made mini video games printed on paper cartridges that I sent through mail (with custom note written on it and personalized content). This time I'm thinking about some multiplayer tamagotchi-like through which I could send custom messages. It's clearly over-engineered but hey, it's the journey that matters ;)
馃挰 4 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
I found myself unexpectedly working on a side project for a few months now. Some interactive greeting card thing for my friends and family. It feels so good to be creating stuff again!
馃挰 0 Replies 路 6 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Is there an efficient way to import identity keys in Deedum?
馃挰 3 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 years ago
Looks like Alpine Linux and Python 3.9 don't go along very well... Du to a lib conflit my pod is currently down :(
馃挰 3 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 3 years ago
I made a small game (not the one I planned, but hey, that's creativity at work :D) Using a fantasy console with weird limitations. It might be of interest to @kelbot, It's Rewtro https://github.com/kesiev/rewtro I packed a tiny dungeon crawler in half a dozen QR-codes printed on an A4 sheet :)
馃挰 5 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 3 years ago
I published a small post on setting up Jetforce with Alpine linux: gemini://esa.prk.st/en/posts/2021/2021-08-30-jetforce-alpine.gmi Please let me know if you have any comment or suggestion.
馃挰 3 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 3 years ago
I'm thinking about starting a capsule to log my progress on a game concept I have. The idea came from a gemlog, so it doesn't feel right to do it on WWW. Now it's time to research Gemini server software ...
馃挰 5 Replies 路 6 Thumbs 路 3 years ago
I did some quick&dirty script to perform monthly cleanup for my Synapse (Matrix) server. It's pretty rough but might be useful. Feel free to make something more polished ;) https://gitea.prk.st/romain/synapse-tools