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馃憢 Welcome! I'm mick-the-linux-geek or Mick for short. I'm a linux geek/enthusiast/programmer who is really liking Gemini and the 'smol' net.
馃實 Columbia, SC USA
馃棧 Followers 6 路 Following 23 路 Logs 3 路 Docked 3 years ago
Oh Man I am excited! I just received my Argon EON Rpi NAS unit this afternoon. Looking forward to setting it up and getting it operational.
馃挰 6 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 3 years ago
Station Log - 2022-01-30 - Wow! Here we are at the end of January 2022 already. Anyways, I have a gemlog on my capsule that I started this month and I have two posts so far. I write about whatever piques my thoughts. Initially I was going to post every week, but I am thinking this may be a little ambitious for a biginner. So, what I think I will do, is post a couple times a month or whenever I have something of interest to write about. BTW: the gemlog is called Sunday Morning Coffee (SMC).
馃挰 2 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 3 years ago
Station Log - 2022-01-23 - Hey everyone! I have finally decided to join station. I have been on gemini since early 2021 and using it more lately. I am really liking the small web. Looking forward to seeing you all out there.