👽 isoraqathedh

There seems to be a significant lack in anti-epidemic measures that *don't* involve the public to "buy in to" them. Things like mechanical machines for air filtration and ventilation, which work for any virus and are a good idea anyway. This is pretty worrisome.

3 years ago · 👍 moddedbear, calgacus, eph


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12 Replies

👽 krixano

Another thing is helping out other countries that aren't getting the vaccine for free and don't have the people or resources to make their own. I know Folding@Home's pill is going to be completely open for this reason. · 3 years ago

👽 krixano

I think part of the reason that other methods have been set aside is because some people have tried saying that burning your nose or sniffing dangerous chemicals fights off the virus... so it's more about trying to manage which things are actually effective to keep people safe. However, I think I have seen that air filtration does work, although it could be even more expensive than a vaccine if every house and business has to buy a filtration system. My professor uses one of these though in her classes. · 3 years ago

👽 krixano

Folding@Home (and other companies) are working on a pill that will help after someone has already gotten the virus, while the vaccine helps to prevent the virus. Perhaps there are other things we could do, but I think those two things are probably our best bets, idk. · 3 years ago

👽 isoraqathedh

@cobradile94 I can see it. I was a little inspired by those hard-of-thinking types that have a "do not comply" profile picture and I can only think "yeah but what if we do something that don't need your compliance and works anyway".

I got my vaccines basically as soon as I am able for various reasons. This is earlier than even some more designated-vulnerable groups (I'm in none of them). · 3 years ago

👽 cobradile94

@isoraqathedh Fair enough, and I agree. Your initial wording just had me worried that you were one of those anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists. 😅 · 3 years ago

👽 calgacus

It's another manifestation of "personal responsibility" and nothing else. There is no society, we're all just individuals making choices. The answers to systemic issues like pandemics are /not/ systemic, but are merely consumer choices. Pandemic? Get a vaccine! Climate change? Stop using plastic straws! Democracy dying before our eyes? Just keep voting! It's the same again and again and again. · 3 years ago

👽 isoraqathedh

Ultimately, a combination of vaccines and mechanical solutions seems to be the best way to go at things. I want to re-emphasise that I'm entirely for getting vaccinations, and that a pandemic can end faster if you institute measures where compliance is unnecessary and unneeded. Double so if the principles are easy to explain and intuitively appealing, which filtration is and why I specify mechanical means rather than computer-controlled means. · 3 years ago

👽 cobradile94

@wolftivy You… realise the vaccine is free… right? · 3 years ago

👽 wolftivy

It's funny to see a lot of people with nominally anti-commercial politics studiously ignoring the obvious commercial incentives and corruption potential involved in the vaccine discourse. · 3 years ago

👽 moddedbear

@wolftivy Glad to see other people seeing this too. It's the conclusion I've slowly come to after watching the nonsensical media smear campaign against any treatment that wasn't the vaccine last year. · 3 years ago

👽 wolftivy

To be honest it looks to me like there's been some effort to suppress and ignore non-vaccine medicine and non-medical interventions, presumably to sell vaccines and score points in vax vs antivax politics. · 3 years ago

👽 moddedbear

Fully agreed with the hammer and nail comment. The legacy of covid will unfortuantely be lessons in how not to handle a pandemic. · 3 years ago