๐Ÿ‘ฝ byte

Check out the new rust server I wrote during the new year holidays, mostly for practice:


It misses SCGI and proxy currently, but we're slowly getting there :3

Also check out the licensing hehe

3 weeks ago ยท ๐Ÿ‘ lufte, skaffi, zhyto




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1 Reply

๐Ÿ‘ฝ skaffi

Hey Byte,

Thank you for receiving me! :)

I'm afraid I can't in good faith comment on the software (though it sounds like a productive holidays!), but I wanted to say that I like your license very much indeed!

Like others, I have several concerns with AI. I have been thinking about how copyright and specialised licenses could perhaps do more to stem the tide, besides just denying training data one piece at a time.

I hope to have a capsule of my own, before too long, where I will put something on this. I think there's an important conversation to be had here.

Take care!

I hope your family is safe as well. ยท 3 weeks ago