- Condition: VG6
- Location: Home, Spearfish: 44.49, -103.87
- Target: NGC 6885, NGC 6882[1]
- Const: Vulpecula
- RaDec: 20h12m +26.28
- Type: Open Cluster[2]
- Scope: AT102ED
- Setting: 55x
- Class: III 2 p, III 2 m
- Image: ../images/2024-09-24_NGC6885_NGC6882.jpg[3]
Both clusters were close enough that they fit nicely in the FoV at 55x, but were distinct enough that you could tell them apart. NGC 6885 (the one to the south) seems to be more richly populated with stars, though most of them appear to be far more dim.
[1] NGC 6885, NGC 6882 (ID)
[2] Open Cluster (ID)
[3] ../images/2024-09-24_NGC6885_NGC6882.jpg