

What better target is there to test colors on than β Cygni? The experience of sketching this in the field tonight showed me how difficult this new method can be under a red-lamp. The red-lamp washed all color out of the sketch, so I was applying color based on gut feeling rather than sight.

The end result was not as clean as the colored stars produced during my tests. I had to do a bit of touch up on the sketch after coming in for the night.

[1] β Cygni (ID)

[2] Star (Double) (ID)

[3] ../images/2024-09-05_BetaCygni.jpg


Lovely cluster! δ² Lyrae is the brightest star just east of center in the sketch. It had a nice warm orange color to it (I didn't bring an orange pencil out with me!). δ¹ Lyrae is the brighter star to the north west, it had a suble white-blue color.

[1] Steph 1 (ID)

[2] Open Cluster (ID)

[3] ../images/2024-09-05_Steph1.jpg