
Finally, a break in the weather. It's nice to finally have targets other than galaxies to view.


Vibrant orange-red. Like a spark or glowing ember.

[1] TW Ophiuchi (ID)

[2] ../images/2024-07-08_TWOph.jpg


Revisit of a favorite. I wanted to push the magnification a little to get a 'closer' sketch. At 165x, I lost too much brightness, 110x seemed to be a good balance.

Globular clusters have their own unique difficulties when sketching. It's hard to accurately place every speck of light that is seen. After layering the background 'glow', I started out by drawing the more noticable stars both in the cluster and the surrounding star field. Then, as AV gave me glimpses of the filler stars (usually in patches at a time), I began to 'fill' the areas between the more noticable stars. While this may not be accurate, it does seem to give a pretty close impression of what is observed when using AV.

[1] M 10 (ID)

[2] ../images/2024-07-08_M10.jpg