

AV is not required for detection, however it helps out with determining the shape. This appears to be half way between edge on and face on, however I'm seeing a brighter line running down the length of it which usually appears in edge-on galaxies.

My atlas shows a few other nearby galaxies, and I can detect other areas of noise nearby. But I'm not confident enough with any of those observations to include them in the sketch.

[1] NGC 4111, MCG 7-25-26 (ID)

[2] ../images/2024-05-28_NGC4111.jpg


Seated near the middle of a triangular pattern of stars. The whole area looked interesting so I attempted to capture more of it in the sketch.

This one also appears to be half way between edge on and face on. A linear gradient of brightness from core to edge.

[1] NGC 3941, MCG 6-26-51 (ID)

[2] ../images/2024-05-28_NGC3941.jpg