The Science Witch Podcast

By Anjel and Ruby

The Science Witch Podcast is a podcast for witches who love science. Each episode will explore the many ways in which witchcraft and science interface, intersect and affirm one another.





2025-02-15 Deity Deep Dives: The Cailleach

2025-01-31 Ep 71- Chaos Magick with Oliver

2024-12-23 Ep 70 : Solstice Traditions with Morgan Daimler

2024-12-09 Deity Deep Dives- Athena

2024-11-21 Ep 69- Emergency Episode Post

2024-11-14 Tripping Through The Tarot: The Magician

2024-11-01 Ep 68- Samhain Special: Death Midwifery with Angela

2024-10-21 Ep 67: The Sacred Fool with Rick Quaresma

2024-09-26 Deity Deep Dives: Heqet

2024-09-17 Tripping Through The Tarot: The Fool

2024-08-28 Who's in Bloom- Gladiolus

2024-08-15 Episode 66: Native Pollinators and Mason Bees with Carol Haven

2024-07-01 Episode 65: Queer Fiction With Red Fern

2024-06-03 Episode 64- Carnivorous Plant Cult with Carson

2024-05-05 Ep 63: Stage Magic and the Occult with Sensei Strange

2024-04-03 Episode 62: Pre-Islamic Paganism

2024-03-27 Deity Deep Dive: Ostara

2024-03-12 Ep 61: AI in the Age of Aquarius

2024-02-19 Ep 60: Black Queer Witchcraft

2024-02-01 Episode 59: Conspirtuality with Matthew Remski

2024-01-31 Ep 59: Conspirituality with Matthew Remski

2024-01-10 Episode 58- Mind your practice

2024-01-06 Deity Deep Dives- Date Edition: January 6th

2023-12-21 Episode 57: Yule Cat and other Winter Monsters with Dara

2023-12-14 Episode 56: Psilocybin Therapy with Dr. Dug Wingate

2023-11-24 Episode 55: Talk to Mushrooms not cops with Jesse Lee

2023-11-13 Episode 54- Veteran's Day Special

2023-10-31 Episode 53- Samhain Special with J Allen Cross

2023-10-12 Episode 52: Witchcraft is adaptive with Vincent Higginbotham

2023-09-29 Who's in Bloom- Lotus

2023-09-21 Episode 51: Protection Magick With Amy Blackthorn

2023-09-14 Episode 50: The Science and Magick of Lavender

2023-08-21 Episode 49- The Science and Magick of Puppets

2023-08-12 Episode 48- Transpersonal Astrology with Rhabb

2023-08-06 Episode 47- Summerween Special with J Allen Cross

2023-07-23 Who's in Bloom: Southern Magnolia

2023-07-13 Who's in Bloom-Corpse Flower

2023-07-07 Episode 46: Queer Joy with the Queer Witch

2023-06-29 Wild Witches Ep 20- Art, Fashion and Boy Love Manga with Aura

2023-06-21 Who's in Bloom- Honeysuckle

2023-06-14 Episode 44: Breath

2023-06-06 Wild Witches Ep 19- Ffynnon and the Road to Non Profit Status with Michael Agee

2023-05-30 Special Field Report: The Tree that Owns Itself

2023-05-22 Episode 43: Sacred Porn with Nadya Part 1

2023-05-11 Who's in Bloom- Lilac

2023-05-08 Episode 42: Survivalism and Spirituality with Danny Graves from Naked and Afraid

2023-05-01 Episode 41: Tree Talk for Arbor Day

2023-04-17 Episode 40: Paleolithic Magick with Leah Walden-Hurtgen

2023-04-02 Who's in Bloom- The Dandelion Abides

2023-03-28 Deity Deep Dives- Ep 3: Bastet/Sekhmet

2023-03-20 Episode 39: Tarot Talk with Trogon and Jacque

2023-03-12 Episode 38- Deity Devotion with Courtney Weber

2023-02-20 Ep 37: AI Emergence with Tiqvah Aviv

2023-02-03 Deity Deep Dives Ep 2: Brigid

2023-01-31 Episode 36: Belief, Being, and Beyond with Granddaughter Crow

2023-01-06 Wild Witches Ep 18- Biz Witches with As Above

2022-12-26 Wild Witches Ep 17- Holiday Special: Amanita muscaria with Tom Hatsis

2022-12-19 Episode 35: Gender Render

2022-12-08 Deity Deep Dives Ep 1: Seshat, Egyptian Goddess of Math, Science and Writing

2022-11-16 Wild Witches Episode 16: Hecate of the Crossroads with Melissa Thorn

2022-11-11 Wild Witches Ep 15: Witches in the Military

2022-10-31 Episode 34: Epigenetics and Ancestral Healing

2022-10-12 Ep 33: Astrology 202

2022-10-07 Wild Witches 14: Future Frontiers of Entheogens

2022-08-25 Who's In Bloom- Queen Anne's Lace

2022-08-23 Wild Witches Ep 12- Fire Magick

2022-08-01 Wild Witches Ep 11: A Lugh Story

2022-07-27 Wild Witches Ep 10: Palmistry with Sacha

2022-06-24 Who's in Bloom- Iris

2022-06-09 Episode 31: D&D and modern mythmaking with Puppy

2022-05-14 Episode 30: Reproductive Rights and Witches

2022-05-05 Wild Witches 9: CUUPs Presentation

2022-04-23 Episode 29: Flower Essences from the Witch's Garden with Nicolas Pearson

2022-03-14 Episode 28- Lucid Dreaming Magick

2022-03-02 Bonus Episode- Who's in Bloom- Daffodil with Enku

2022-03-01 Episode 27: Mardi Gras Magick with Kai

2022-02-03 Episode 26: Hoodoo Science and Magick with That Hoodoo Lady

2022-01-08 Wild Witches Episode 8- Astrology 101

2021-12-23 Episode 25: The Sociological and Ecological Fitness conferred by the Holiday Spirit

2021-12-09 Episode 24: The Tenacious Unicorn Ranch

2021-11-27 Wild Witches 7: Dungeons and Dragons and the Satanic Panic at Orycon 2021

2021-11-23 Episode 23: The Science and Magick of Crystals with Nicolas Pearson

2021-11-08 Wild Witches Episode 6: Furry and the Occult with Triad Fox

2021-11-07 Wild Witches Episode 5: Sourdough and Ancestor Veneration at the Witches Faire and Gathering

2021-10-11 Episode 22: Sourdough as a practice for the ancestors and Lugh the Celtic God of everything

2021-09-17 Wild Witches Episode 4- Green Witchcraft

2021-08-24 Episode 21: Water Witchcraft with Annwyn Avalon

2021-08-02 Episode 20: It's all coming up Roses!

2021-06-26 Episode 19: Big Tree Energy

2021-06-11 Wild Witches- Episode 3: Jungian Archetypes

2021-05-18 Episode 18: Interview with Seba, The Southern Fried Witch

2021-05-06 Wild Witches Episode 2- Heathenry

2021-04-29 Episode 17: Here's to you Dr. Wolverton, we all love your plants

2021-04-23 Episode 16- Reclaiming the Colorado with John Mahkewa

2021-04-07 Wild Witches Episode 1- Drawing Down the Moon

2021-04-02 Episode 15: #WitchesGettinVaccinated

2021-03-20 Episode 14- Women's movement and Witchcraft with Phaedra Bonewits

2021-03-01 Episode 13- Interview with Oz; The intersections between Paganism and Science Fiction

2021-02-12 Episode 12- Interview with Roady the Wayward Dragon: Chaos Magick, Autism, and Nostalgiamancy

2021-01-18 Episode 11- Frankincense, Myrrh, and other resins for your sacred smoke practice with Amy Blackthorn

2020-12-27 Episode 10: Mycorrhizal Magick

2020-11-08 Episode 9: Essential Oils

2020-09-13 Episode 8: Composting Magic with Worms + Portland Update

2020-08-06 Episode 7: Resilience Witchcraft with Fermentation

2020-07-28 Episode 6: Appreciation vs. Appropriation

2020-06-25 Episode 5: The Magick of Mead with Lilly Weichberger of Oran Mor Artisan Mead

2020-06-20 Episode 4: Kombucha Alchemy

2020-05-13 Episode 3: Interview with Lupa

2020-04-06 Episode 2: Local Food in a Global Pandemic

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