The Tim Ferriss Show

By Tim Ferriss: Bestselling Author, Human Guinea Pig

#197: Drunk Dialing -- Ladies Night Edition!

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Published November 01, 2016 3:38pm

By request, we have another drunk dialing episode (the most recent one can be found here, and the original can be found here). This one is a little different as it's a Ladies Night edition. Some of you may have noticed that ladies were absent from the last drunk dialing fiasco. Why? It's just math. Looking at the results of a recent poll of 11,463 respondents, my audience is 84.04% male, 15.83% female, and .13% other. The people who sign up first get called first. The last time, three out of the 20, which is exactly 15%, were female. Unfortunately, those women (and several guys) d...

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