Twisty Puzzles

Twisty puzzles are puzzle toys and games involving pieces that move, light up, or otherwise change state when interacted with. The goal is to manipulate the state of the puzzle until it reaches some pre-defined "solved" state. The term is most often used to refer to Rubik's Cube and other 3D puzzles that have rotating parts.

I first learned how to solve Rubik's Cube in 2005, and twisty puzzles were a major passion of mine for years afterward, including competing in 2011. While I'm not as involved in the twisty puzzles community as I used to be, I still enjoy them, and I still collect and learn to solve new puzzles regularly.

This page will eventually contain solution guides, puzzle math, speedsolving tips, photos of my collection and more.


Interactive Puzzles

Pocket Cube

Rubik's Cube

Fifteen Puzzle



Solution Guides

Cubic (NxNxN) Puzzles



[Last updated: 2024-06-12]