Interactive Flip-Side Puzzle


Here you can play with a textual representation of Flip-Side by ThinkFun.

This puzzle consists of two rails with five numbered tiles each and a rotating center carriage. In the solved state, the tiles are arranged in ascending numerical order: "01234" on the upper rail and "56789" on the lower rail. The rails can be shifted left and right. Flipping the center carriage swaps three numbers from each rail, mixing them up.

Use the links below to alter the puzzle state.


Current State

|   | 0 || 1 | 2 | 3 || 4 |   |
|   | 5 || 6 | 7 | 8 || 9 |   |

Reset puzzle

Scramble puzzle


Ul (shift the up rail to the left side)

Ur (shift the up rail to the right side)

Dl (shift the down rail to the left side)

Dr (shift the down rail to the right side)

Flip center carriage


Up One Level


[CGI last updated: 2025-03-06]