author: mozz
An old website that gives me smolnet vibes - a tricked out Apache mod_autoindex, tons of handwritten html pages and directories and notes, it even has a full blown cgi chatroom!
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Composing Good HTML (1995) -
Belgian Dubbel - I don’t see this beer style very often in the US, but whenever I find it I always enjoy it a lot.
Hot sauce is an interesting product market. The brands are highly differentiated and I've never heard of a "generic" store-brand hot sauce. I mostly use Frank's Red Hot or Cholula, depending on the food. Frank's is better on grease & fried food, and Cholula is better on carbs & protein. I went through a Sriracha phase in college, but I rarely use it anymore except to salvage stale pizza. My dad always had Tobasco growing up. I never buy Tobasco, but when I use it at a restaurant, say on some greasy eggs at a diner, it tastes like a fancy delicacy. And that's not even getting into all of the Mexican hot sauces..
Happy birthday America! 🇺🇸🦅🎆
This is (unironically) incredible website design:
I've been loving getting back into ASCII art this past month. I thought the scene was dead, it turns out everyone just moved to twitter/discord/facebook. I just spent some time sprucing up my art gallery page:
[POLL So who here is left-handed?] Right Handed | Left Handed | Ambidextral
I think I've finally fixed the bad gateway errors plaguing my gemini proxy server. Something to do with HTTP Keep-Alive losing connections between apache and gunicorn. I love solving these kinds of problems at work, but it's such a time sink for a hobby project where free time is precious.
I'm finally trying out github copilot at work. Even with public code suggestions turned off, it's wayyy better at predicting my code than I expected it would be. At least with the Django boilerplate that I write, which probably has a massive public corpus to train on.
Epitath to Phil Katz, creator of PKZIP (2000) - - bizarre new protocol that runs over SSH with a gemini-like markup format
This guys got some really nice ascii art -
Corporations are not people
curl -k gophers://
YAML is a god-forsaken hellscape of a document format. Which makes it a perfect fit with the rest of AWS, I guess...
Which OS are you? (2003)
I've been using my first mechanical keyboard, a filco mx cherry brown keyboard for probably a good 10 years now. But recently I decided to try something new and bought a Varmilo keyboard with EC Iris switches which are described as "tactile", which means you get the bump without the *click*. And I have to say, it's absolutely amazing and a dream to type on 🤩
Halloween is objectively the second best holiday 🎃
Worst Web Design Awards (2005) -
Why I hate the Open Source Community (1999) -
I've been trying out the Brave browser and I have to admit it's actually a pretty nice experience. Particularly the web search and random quality of life features like auto-redirecting reddit to old.reddit. The crypto wallet junk is unfortunate but it can be hidden completely (for now at least...)
vemödalen n. the frustration of photographing something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist—the same sunset, the same waterfall, the same curve of a hip, the same closeup of an eye—which can turn a unique subject into something hollow and pulpy and cheap, like a mass-produced piece of furniture you happen to have assembled yourself.
Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers - 10/10 album of the decade
I've always had this mental block about SiriusXM being an obsolete satelite radio company stuggling to stay relevant versus carplay & android auto . But now that I've been using it for a while, it's hands down my favorite music streaming service. They have mixes put together by actual DJs (with no ads) that are are sooo much more interesting than the usual spotify/apple/pandora algorithms.
Quit my job to join a startup with some former coworkers. Very excited!
The demise of the $.01 sign - gemini://
Thinking about URL fragments in gemini.
It's pouring here. Tornado warnings. I love the rain ⛈
I wish there was a way to auto-follow everyone here... I'm considering writing a script to do it for me :p
Outdoor Fireplace 2021-06-17 . ` ) ` q|p . ) () ` )( () ` ,--='^'=--. / / )%%( ^ \ % % /./__@@@@@@_._\ % % o/uy.|o \_\___________/ o\euy.|ob {)|;.`|(}.;oo,.{}\.,<uoo.{)\;.mozz
Prof. Dr. Style - Interesting article on *early* web design.
I'm not here because I hate the web, I'm here because I like gemini.
Any recommendations for obscure DOS games?
You don't win friends with salad.
I used to be prejudice against little dogs, but now I like all dogs.
I watched Eraserhead for the first time in about 5 years. It hits different now that I'm a father. I've had my share of weird-ass nightmares while my wife was pregnant.
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