2024-02-04 eph - Up too late, too many thoughts
2024-02-03 taichara - winter has found me after all
2024-02-03 eph - Έκανα ένα μικρό, έξοχο λάθος
2024-02-01 taichara - some updates ~
2024-01-31 taichara - of dragons and flames and other fannish things
2024-01-31 taichara - *taptaptap*
2024-01-31 soup3461 - Meddling With Mechanics
2024-01-31 eaplmx - Algunas modernizaciones para el español
2024-01-27 prutser - Een week niets gedaan
2024-01-26 eaplmx - ¿Y si hago una revista?
2024-01-25 pgavlin - agrajag dev log 4
2024-01-25 ivanodintsoff - Few updates
2024-01-25 dep - Quick question: do you think the era of the phone is ending?
2024-01-23 inkling - notes to myself on nihilism
2024-01-22 eaplmx - re: Comentad
2024-01-22 eph - Mi estas finante kaj mi volas iri
2024-01-21 detritus - State of things
2024-01-21 degrowther - Nostalgia
2024-01-20 ava - nice things done for me recently
2024-01-20 prutser - Lopen - het was nog kouder
2024-01-19 eaplmx - Now this capsule/blog is available as EPUB
2024-01-19 pgavlin - agrajag dev log 3
2024-01-18 eaplmx - Sobre la brevedad de los blogs
2024-01-18 soup3461 - New Beginnings
2024-01-17 eaplmx - Quick thoughts on creating new information models
2024-01-17 prutser - Lopen: Het was koud
2024-01-16 eaplmx - Sobre vida digital, tiempo libre, crear cosas y lo importante
2024-01-16 whither - Has There Been Progress Since 1250? (breadcrumbs)
2024-01-16 whither - Medieval Fairs and Market Towns (breadcrumbs)
2024-01-16 prutser - Lopen - gisteren naar het einde toe natte 2x10
2024-01-14 eaplmx - Of text editors and writing posts
2024-01-14 whither - Human ‘behavioural crisis’ at root of climate breakdown, say scientists
2024-01-13 prutser - Lopen: twee maal tien minuten
2024-01-13 qwel - Books are garbage
2024-01-13 qwel - Monkeys and typewriters
2024-01-11 willowashmaple - What am I anyway?
2024-01-10 pgavlin - agrajag dev log 2
2024-01-09 eaplmx - Sobre plazas públicas y privadas
2024-01-09 darylsun - Special Edition — Retrospection and Intentions, 2023 Edition
2024-01-09 pgavlin - agrajag dev log 1
2024-01-08 pgavlin - agrajag dev log 0
2024-01-08 prutser - 15 minuten was afzien
2024-01-06 eph - Happy Theophany!
2024-01-06 prutser - Een nieuw begin om iets fitter te worden