Currently aggregating 110 capsules, gopherholes, and websites.
Generated on 2023-06-16 at 18:00 UTC
Rob's Gemini Capsule β Privacy in Gemini Revisited
Senders' Gemlog β Perfect Albums - no. 2
SpellBinding β EHORSWY Wordo: ACHOO
JBanana's occasional gemlog β Huh? π
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-16
Midnight Pub β alextheuxguy - The cat
Aks_Dev posts β Why-I-will-likely-never-use-AI-programming-tools.gmi
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 623
ew0k Post Archive β The Planet Doesn't Need Polar Bears
SpellBinding β AULNPTC Wordo: CHUMS
CircaDian β Social Post Angst
JeanG3nie's Capsule β Installing FreeBSD in 2023
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-15
skyjake's Gemlog β New GmCapsule Home Page
Rob's Gemini Capsule β Book Review: Crusader
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-14
SpellBinding β EUHLMOG Wordo: AHOLD
Midnight Pub β alextheuxguy - Got room at the bar?
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 622
winter's gemlog β How Do You Use Mobile?
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 621
SpellBinding β AILQYUT Wordo: CHURN
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-13
JBanana's occasional gemlog β Variable scope acts like a devil for the user πΏ
CircaDian β Working From Alone
officialdonut β News of my demise, etc etc
Rob's Gemini Capsule β 2023 Week 22/23: Status and Photos
SpellBinding β AJLUORN Wordo: COWLS *
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 620
skyjake's Gemlog β I am Spartacus β Anonymous Identities on Gemini β Sobre comunidades (en 2023)
skyjake's Gemlog β Lagrange v1.16.4 Release Notes
Senders' Gemlog β Perfect Albums - no. 1
moddedBear's log β New Chapter
Midnight Pub β xandra - the art of letting go
Midnight Pub β joneworlds - Blowing it up and gone.
CircaDian β The EURion Constellation
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-12
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 619
SpellBinding β BCIUMPL Wordo: KILOS
Senders' Gemlog β Perfect Albums - no. 0
CircaDian β Identity Again: Visual Hashing
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-11
CircaDian β How Online Ads Work
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 618
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-10
SpellBinding β AGHNRUY Wordo: ANGER
Midnight Pub β tffb - Cob(WW)Webs and the New AI Sheen!
Midnight Pub β ew - Saturday afternoon at the MP
Midnight Pub β tffb - writing as a writer
Γvalos' Indie Gemlog β Why I left Mastodon
winter's gemlog β Meeting/Making
Rob's Gemini Capsule β Ashamed of My Penmanship
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 617
Midnight Pub β tracker - The Porklet and the Ash
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-09
SpellBinding β ADHLOTU Wordo: FACTY
Aks_Dev posts β My-thoughts-on-Flatpak-that-nobody-asked-for.gmi
CircaDian β Yesterdayβs Posts
Szczezuja's Gemlog β When /ChatGPT/ would actually be so smart and help the small net
skyjake's Gemlog β BBS Comments on Cosmos
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-08
JeanG3nie's Capsule β Sourcehut looks really good
SpellBinding β BCEKOPT Wordo: OUTIE
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 616
SpellBinding β DLNOSUY Wordo: INEPT
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-07
Lesogorov's Feed β The Garden
skyjake's Gemlog β Charting the Cosmos
Midnight Pub β nelforzo - alternative input methods
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 615
SpellBinding β CINORTY Wordo: BRIMS *
moddedBear's log β Apple Might Kill VR
winter's gemlog β Duolingo Progress
Midnight Pub β tffb - Out with the junk and clunk, in with open web protocols
Midnight Pub β whiskeyding - Contextual Pizza
Midnight Pub β zampano - Looking out or in?
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 614
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-06
Midnight Pub β alex - Striking mods
Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog β OpenKuBSD design document
JeanG3nie's Capsule β Dory progress and Misfin thoughts
Midnight Pub β tracker - Taking the Measure of the Place
Midnight Pub β tracker - The Tracker Arrives...
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-05
ew0k Post Archive β This Post is Just a Filler
CircaDian β Aggregators Tilt East
SpellBinding β YIJLOVA Wordo: HIKED
Midnight Pub β pinkvampyr - Hello all!
Midnight Pub β petpave - Odyssey
Midnight Pub β tffb - emotional allocation
ew0k Post Archive β Tea Tea Deluxe 1.2.7 and Tea Land
SpellBinding β GHLYSUO Wordo: RISKY
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-04
Midnight Pub β winter - Rain and heat
Midnight Pub β winter - Mr. Lucky
CircaDian β NearlyFreeSpeech.NET
Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog β Qubes OS dom0 files workflow using fossil
Midnight Pub β tffb - littered letters
Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog β The Old Computer Challenge V3
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 613
Yet Another Tech Gemlog β Re: The Gemini Protocol Seen by This HTTP Client Person
CircaDian β The Jevons Paradox And Software
Roche Limit β Exam Prep is Not Education
winter's gemlog β Hidden Communities
Midnight Pub β petpave - War
Midnight Pub β okato - Greetings, humans!
Aks_Dev posts β Blog-update-and-Revontuli.gmi
Midnight Pub β jack - Redacted
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-03
Roche Limit β All change - a new job
JeanG3nie's Capsule β Zond updates: gettext and tinylog support
SpellBinding β CEFYTVI Wordo: PAINS
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 612
Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog β Install OpenBSD in Qubes OS
Rob's Gemini Capsule β AI and the Dead Internet
SpellBinding β AFGLNRT Wordo: BLURB
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 611
CircaDian β Approximately Daily
Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog β Declaratively manage your Qubes OS
Senders' Gemlog β My Ideal F1 Weekend
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-02
JBanana's occasional gemlog β Caller ID and scams β
Midnight Pub β tffb - away with ye, for we have won the WWW
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-06-01
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 610
SpellBinding β ACIPTUY Wordo: DOPER
SpellBinding β CGIRNPK Wordo: HEADS
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 609
π€ kelbot's gemlog β Un-Shittifying Wordle
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-31
Midnight Pub β jack - Redacted
An Inhabitant of Carcosa β The Computer Is A Dream
JeanG3nie's Capsule β Neuralink and Autism
Rob's Gemini Capsule β Technology in My Dreams
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 608
Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog β Backport OpenBSD 7.3 pkg_add enhancement
Midnight Pub β tffb - honestly, I have to agree...
moddedBear's log β Bayes Filter
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-30
Midnight Pub β sph - this is comfy
Midnight Pub β rainy97 - gradient hues...
SpellBinding β ESILMPG Wordo: BLABS
Rob's Gemini Capsule β 2023 Week 19/20/21: Status and Photos
SpellBinding β EWMORVH Wordo: GENOA
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-29
CircaDian β Fighting Thermodynamics
JeanG3nie's Capsule β Re: Missing the Point
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 607
Ruario's Gemlog β Sbanken/DNB a.k.a. ApplePay support workaround
SpellBinding β EYIMNTF Wordo: EDIFY
Ainent β Public Service Announcement - smolver Security Hole Mitigated
CircaDian β Domains And Cathedrals
ι&c. β Flowers around bend β Duelo a un producto muerto
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-28
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 606
Midnight Pub β winter - Vanishing weekend
JBanana's occasional gemlog β Indoor plumbing π
Midnight Pub β alex - Near a forest
Szczezuja's Gemlog β From my bubble about Bubble
Aks_Dev posts β AksDar-colorscheme.gmi
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-27
CircaDian β Games Showcase: Half-Life Alyx
SpellBinding β AHLMNOR Wordo: TIDED
winter's gemlog β Wordle Doesn't Need an Editor!
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 605
Midnight Pub β vio - Bike Things
π€ kelbot's gemlog β PDAs, Sony CLIΓ PEG-SL10 Impressions and Gemini Palm Script
CircaDian β How I Found Gemini
SpellBinding β EXNOQUI Wordo: SHEER
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-26
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 604
Midnight Pub β petpave - First Post
Midnight Pub β tffb - The hopeful thing about the Internet...
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-25
Midnight Pub β jr - terminal applications
moddedBear's log β Comfy With Neovim
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 603
CircaDian β Games Showcase: One Minute Chess
Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog β Send XMPP messages from the command line
winter's gemlog β In the Land of Invented Names
SpellBinding β ABCFTKI Wordo: LUPUS
Rob's Gemini Capsule β My Desire for Gemini
JeanG3nie's Capsule β Dory: a Misfin protocol library in Rust
SpellBinding β ABCKORS Wordo: BEGUN
Oracle Log β Question #293: =w= Hello Jello ello
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 602
Midnight Pub β nelforzo - short sleep
π₯ Smokey β New Job, Future Plans
Midnight Pub β tffb - churning The Midnight toil
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-24
CircaDian β First Month Retrospective
Midnight Pub β tffb - A hiatus for ^Z, and other things
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 601
The Pasture Of Muppets β May-Ham!
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-23
JBanana's occasional gemlog β Big gold medal π
An Inhabitant of Carcosa β Re: Exploring Federation and Public Communication
SpellBinding β FILMPSY Wordo: XYLEM
JeanG3nie's Capsule β Nwg shell for Sway β Ideas sobre la AMLOpedia
winter's gemlog β Pixel, Audio Clipping, etc
Senders' Gemlog β Music Index
skyjake's Gemlog β One Week on Bubble
SpellBinding β EILXPSM Wordo: LOXES
CircaDian β Games Showcase: Hogwarts Legacy
Lesogorov's Feed β All Day Outside
skyjake's Gemlog β Re: Everybody Has a Take on Bubble. Hereβs Mine
winter's gemlog β Duolingo, Long Weekend
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 600
Midnight Pub β winter - Etymology
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-22
SpellBinding β DGIZNRL Wordo: ROBES
JeanG3nie's Capsule β Spell checking in NeoVim
Midnight Pub β tffb - it's you and me, phone - entertain me
Ainent β Public Service Announcement - smolver Security Hole!
moddedBear's log β Driving to RAM
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 599
CircaDian β When Test Driven Development Shines
Szczezuja's Gemlog β To remember that ScummVM is great
Midnight Pub β ron77 - Will code you a chatbot for free, Anyone interested?
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-21
Ben's Gemlog βͺ β How to Download Konpeito Using Diohsc
skyjake's Gemlog β Lagrange v1.16: Zoomable Input Prompt, Better Tab Creation
winter's gemlog β Long Weekend
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-20
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 598
JeanG3nie's Capsule β Re Hello others
SpellBinding β AYGISTC Wordo: EIDER
Midnight Pub β winter - something something yardwork makes beer sweeter
Rob's Gemini Capsule β Driving in England
Midnight Pub β tffb - The Tao of Seinfeld
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 597
JeanG3nie's Capsule β On Bubble, centralization and federation
Lesogorov's Feed β Summer Springing Up
Kelsonβs Gemlog β Lost Cities and Alien Skies
Midnight Pub β tffb - "hey hey mama, have you read the news..." β ReflexiΓ³n y TWIL de Semanas 17-19 del 2023
Ainent β Unit Testing & TDD, A Love/Hate Relationship
SpellBinding β ABDHNLI Wordo: SQUAB
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-19
CircaDian β TV Showcase: Blakeβs 7
winter's gemlog β Strange Weather
SpellBinding β ACGINPU Wordo: SODAS
Midnight Pub β orchard - ssl gone
Senders' Gemlog β Finding my Niche
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 596
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-18
JeanG3nie's Capsule β Revisiting Vapad
Space Posts β Is Gemini Missing Good CMSes?
Ainent β smolver development log, part 10 - CGI
SpellBinding β AEKMVRO Wordo: TWATS
Discogem - Daily capsules β Capsule of the day - 2023-05-17
Snow Leopard a Day β Day 595
CircaDian β Contact Juggling
Midnight Pub β tffb - even alleyway pubs have their bar bellars β 3 semanas sin escribir
winter's gemlog β Notes on the Last Two Days
aggregated using comitium v1.8.0-be431586494c838d77082e919530dc33202dee34