author: comatoast
If anyone is interested we have revived 711chan:
Holy fuck Yamii && Deko might be my new favorite artists.
Bought a Red Rider BB Gun. Went shooting with my homies. It was so fun.
There's people outthere seriously shit talking gemini
As if things could not get anyworse the power is out now.
Clown utopia.
Due to series of very long and drawn out life changing events I have been unable to bring myself to really keep up with not only the over all net but my blogds and webpages. I will return to writing eventually I just simply am going through a lot right now.
No piece of media does justice to the devil man Manga that I have seen.
Haha, Trump is getting a civil lawsuit filed against him in the state of NY and they are moving to a criminal case.
Chapter seven weas added to my book.
Is a book that is 8 - 9 chapters still considered a book? I don't know what else to fill it out with.
Dang, I Totally forgot it was 9/11.
James web just fucking broke our understanding of the universe.
Old horror movies really are the best. A man smoking a cigar can straight up drool and it never even get addressed, kek.
Our government is more interested in funding war than funding projects in astronomy.
I uploaded a new blog finally: gemini://
I wonder if as it sits you could literally see every gemini page in existence
I want to set up a finger. Anyone have any helpful articles for the finger protocol?
We need an rss or equivalent for gopher/gemini
What the hell is Super Dragonball Heros? Not DragonBall super, noy Dragonball Super Hero. Literally, Super Dragonball Heros. I has a mix of characters from GT and appears to be an indepentent project by Thoai. The first episode actually seems pretty good. Had no idea this was a thing.
Hey, I uploaded myt blog about roe V Wade being over turned.,
Roe v Wade has been over turned!
I'll be writing a blog about this on monday after my work week is done. What an absolute travesty. I hate to say it but these marginal differences are enough to drive me to voot for the dems.
I changed my position on the bitcoin write upo I did and I also uploaded my rubbtle to luke smith which I wrote ages ago but forgot to translate it for gem-text lol so it's just been sitting in my blogs folder with no pointer.
Updated my webpage on http: Healing starts now.
Gotta love when you realize your TLS certificates are expiered and you forget how you even set them up in the first place.
Want to buy a corebooted thinkpad with monero. Wonder if I can trust the source on monerica, lol.
What is there to say about the current state of the economy? It's a complete shit show, lol. Everything is getting fucked, but, mainly the fed will have to lower interest rates soon or face defaulting on their debts! The government is in a catch 22 it appears.
Been inactive. Basically getting divorced. Not that it realy matters. Going through rough spot in my life.
I uploaded a new glog about the bitcoin crash! : gemini://
Crypto is burning to the ground.
Gonna ge tin and hopefully make some damn money.
New blog on Roe V wade and the Supeme court is up gemini://
Just got verified for Brave reward tokens ;)
Man, the shit floating around on lbry is fucking wild, bro.
Useless democrats bemoaning about monstrous republicans and talking heads pointing fingers at people who are sick of the inept and fang-less liberal democratic order. I'm not, necessarily, saying that participation in establishment politics is a bad thing, though, I think it is; It's tactical, What I am saying is that faggots like vaush and Sam Seder are doing is essentially gas lighting you into submission. Fuck them, this is not the fault of Bernie or busters, or, people fed up with the political establishment. this is the fault of the democratic party for cosing up to wall-street and being fang-less, cowardly, pussies.
Donations now avalible on BTC: bc1q7y85m0q399yaj99299jh4a9uvkaltpvqgekwqv
High above the noise and competition. I'm a man with a mission.
New blog! - gemini://
HEY @martin You forgot to renew your certs 8^)
Generated a monero address for donations if you ar efeeling generous 471r4W71HcxN7fnor7rmvzi1UXLKiqGFbUe74mGwQ2r4AwoWhigovUjZw8pbRdfF9saWp48vqW5hRBhErkjj18TVSa1oCh9
If you cannot critically examine the progress of history you are not actually thinking of your own will, but, just regurgitating what ever propoganda you have heard. Understanding history means coming to factual conclusions.
Fact: The US has been hostile the Russia by expanding NATO. All the seething in the universe cannot change this.
Updated my blog about Russia and The threat of nukes.
Scary times. Hopefully it never comes to that. - - gemini://
I think I am going to spend a little more time on my writings.
I think I have been focusing more on quantity rather than quality. - New blog up about Telsa's Acquisition of Twitter.
So to include (my capsule) onto the LEO webring I need to "percent encode" my random page URL link.
I'm having a little trouble understanding what they exactly want me to do. Will this link suffice? : gemini://
I really need to learn to proof read so I look less retarded. :^( Curse my ADHD
Nothing infuriates me more than people whpo turn their noses up at political dialouge. I mean, I can understan politics cna be jaring for many, but, at the end of the day your toothless opinions about the starwards franchise will achive nothing and get you no where.
You either stand for something or fall for anything.
New blog is up: The Rise of the itnernet and the Modern Crisis of Democracy.
I really hate to orbit around luke smith but there's so much to talk about with that dudes wacky ideology and anti-pornography fetish.
Advace for builting a bare metal server. What power supply should I use?
Where could some one torrent MANGA if they wanted too? Not anime, but, manga?
My blog about my Seattle trip to bad religion is up.
On the way back from Seattle, Bad religion was fucking tits. Started dumping snow on us on the way back though which was fucking scary. Uploading a blog later. STARVING
Going to see bad religion tomorrow!!!!
Blog for today is up. Short and simple.
Added an entry to my g-log if anyone is interested. Will put on the web in the morning.
Wan t to write, but, don't know what to write about.
Opened a HTTP website run on pure HTML and CSs. :3
Does torrenting from a coffe shop make me an asshole? lol.
Advice for mirroring my blog to my HTTP web page?
Put up a new blog if anyone is interested.
Considering a dial up internet connection.
Dragon ball super is good, but, a bit corny and also the art looks SUPER good, but, the artist clearly had trouble with perspective.
The fed will be raising interest rates because apperently people just have to many jobs and the government is sending munitions ot ukraine. I wonder if this could have any, ehrm, unforseen consequences.
Lol, US media is so hilariously and openly evil. Literally knowing full well the very historty of the country they destroyed (The USSR) while saying that the attacks are "totally unprevoked" and puting just "did it cause he's bad.
Makes no sense.
Station needs a secret password like astrobotany in order to secure outdated certificates.
Lol, using station on my 43' TV AMA
Station was such a solid idea. It's like the check point for gemini. Everything else is a static page, so, unfortenetly, if it wasn't for traffic statistics, you would feel like you are totally alone, but, station fixes that. I enjoy it very much. Also theres if anyone was unaware.
Reminder I am constantly updating my "Now" feed on my capsule @ gemini://
welp looks like putin is threatening to put the nukes down if NATO intervines.
We have launched our own pleroma instance: Come join us and chat!
I will never understand why some people are so infatuated with making CEO's record profits.
Guides for setting up a pleroma instance?
I finished reading all 364 Chapters of berserk. Heart breaking, Hope they keep it going. It can't end like this.
So lagrange stopped letting me right click and copy paste things???? What the hell? is this a bugg the devs don't know about? Most strange. How do I fix?
Made in abyss
One piece is impossibly hard to keep up with.
Anyone got any torrent capsules? Curious if a torrent aggregate exists over gemini/gopher.
Recomendation for a gopher server?
We should start a ham radio network for station users, lol.
I added a new recipie for lentil soup to my capsule.
I got finger working on arch. Anyone got any cool finger pages?
Ok, so, I understand how spartan works, but, I don't understand how to use spartan. Can I just use it on an HTTP browser or do I need a special browser?
Just tested positive for covid. AMA
People who defend the system because "single mothers" live off "welfare" with out ever examining the existence of poverty are pretty fucking stupid.
Keys are expiering soon. Is there anyway to set my keys again for this account or will I need to totally start over?
Getting evicted on friday while facing single digets. Let's goooooooo
Does anyone have a log of gemini pages? I lost mine. Or what about that webring like thing? help?
I love waking up at 1am because my sleep schedual is fucked up to shit cause of my job.
I added some more to more novel I am writing and yes I am presenting it right here on gemini for the viewing pleasure of station users exclusively!
Sorry I haven't been active I am dealing with a lot rn. Loosing my place and going to try and sue my landlord
I guess i'll come back now.
The more time goes on the more I realize gemini is right. The web was a mistake.
Can we ditch the sub domain and just get or .space or something?
Sorry for the absence, I have been dealing with a lot in my personal life as well as the split between our sister site and Being evicted currently, but, on the upside got an awesome new job. - Viva~
being a communist and making ammunition for the USG is an abstract kind of feel.
Ugh, I feel like shit.
I am not longer affiliated with leftypol. If anyone is interested I have changed ownership to
I don't see why people think being a mod on an imageboard is so spectacular.
Tossing my cell phone in the trash. Life with out a cell phone starts now. I'll be documenting, lol.
Should upload my recipie for Fried Tofu next.
New Gemini Log: A Green New planned Economy.
Don't let anyone convince you your boss or eployer cares about anything but making profits every quarter.
What's a good capsule for the weather and for the news?
Pretty sure my co-worker is fucking out manager, lol.
New domain: gemini://
Starting a Mastodon instance for leftypol.
I made a mastodon:
You ever eat something so good and then literally get upset that you can't eat more of it 15 minutes later?
I threw up a recipie section and added a recipie for based Vegan Choclate chip cookies if anyone is interested.
Did 4chan actually alter its cpatcha system? I don't know cause I don't really use it.
New Blog up: Americana and Socialism.
I hate holidays.
@Martin_Rue: Good sir, does the source code for station happen to be open source? I assume it is? I would like to know what you use to llow replies and thread creation on gemini.
Hangovers suck.
Wanting to build a textboard (imageboard format) for gemini in C. Curious as to whdere I can get started. What libraries would I need for something like that? I am looking to make something sort of like station where there is replies, but, located with in boards in a hierarchy. Anyone can help?
The linux kernel is so bloated. Over 2 million lines of code are added every single year and this is not a slowing trend. This is not sustainable. Suckless devs should write a kernel, lol.
Being evicted: The system of capitalism as it exists today is such a wonderful system that hardworking men and women around the world can live under the barrel of eviction for any reason if they dare to even so much as think of the possibility of renting, or, having some type of place to live what so ever. Things totally out of your control can lead to you being out on your ass. Fuck yeah. Merica.
I dislike the waving hand I am forced to court in my bio. >:c
So, I have my server, I have Agate installed and I am ready to set my certificates. One issue: How do I set up a domain name for gemini? Should I just purchase a domain from a registar?
Our economy favors our relationship to things more than it favors our relationship to people.
Workers of the world: Relax. Our society today, while also pushing the internet to be more and more bombastic and outlandish. To be a three ring circus like the television of old that can be manipulated and easily turned into a profit; Socety lives in much the same vain. The working day exists for one reason and one reason alone: Profit Maximization. The working day should be reduced from the nominal 8 hours to 4 hours a day; In a rational economy this would be the case, but, under capitalism we do not live to serve ourselves we live to serve our owners. A 4 hour working day would would mean more jobs and more time for loved ones. So, workers of the world: Relax.
When I see the notification icon I hear the Taco Bell "Ding"
Advice on launching a new and interactive capsule? I want to create an interactive capsule for anonymous users to post topis and make replies. Alomst like an Anonymous textboard, but, I am unaware of how I would impliment something like that in gemini. Cany anyone give me pointers for the basics on starting a capsule?
Colored Emojis were a mistake.
Hello all. Interesting find on gemini. Exciting.