Here I post dedicated log entries about various topics, from personal events to small rants to collections of unsorted thoughts. An Atom feed for the log can be found in the "About" section of my capsule.
I also have a twtxt file, which you can follow using the link below.
[2023-01-20] Gopher and Long-Term Interest in Gemini
[2023-01-18] The Heihe-Tengchong Line and Flyover States
[2023-01-16] 2023 Week 2: Thoughts and Photos
[2023-01-09] 2023 Week 1: Thoughts and Photos
[2023-01-05] Moving Gemini Client Certificates Between Deedum and Kristall
[2023-01-04] A Question on Spelling
[2023-01-02] 2022 Week 51/52: Thoughts and Photos
[2023-01-01] Looking Back on 2022, and Forward to 2023
126 entries
156 entries
[Last updated: 2023-01-20]