danrl on Station

author: danrl

2022-07-15 13:19 UTC

my wife and i looked at properties online. we can’t afford a nice plot of land with a small house in it. so we started thinking anti-mimetically about it. not that we want to buy something anytime soon. but what if? what do we really need? from first principles? —- so much of people‘s behavior is mimetic, following others or rooted in a desire to impress or gain social status (like a fancy home). behaving anti-mimetic while being true to one’s own desires one can open new paths and unlock new options. it is simple, but boy can i tell you, it is not easy.

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2022-07-12 13:42 UTC

a colleague brought me my favorite nut-based cheese that is only sold in the u.k. all the way to the u.s. what a nice gesture. i enjoyed the first bites yesterday together with my wife. we were reminded of our time living in london. a small, carefully selected gift can invoke big, happy feelings in the receiving party. thinking of paying it forward. is there someone in your life who deserves a small gift? maybe a nice text, a call, or their favorite sweet treat?

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2022-07-11 00:15 UTC

living with less is simple, but not easy. take minimalism as an example. there is a form of minimalism in which people own few, but expensive things. their homes look aesthetically empty, almost sterile, but the things that are there scream “i have money”. to me, this isn’t minimalism. just a different form of consumerism. may they be happy.

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2022-07-11 00:09 UTC

deleted twitter in favor of station now that i can use it from my phone

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2022-07-01 02:06 UTC

Like this place (station) and the crowd. Now I am afraid I might loose my client cert. Is there a way to register a backup cert to the same username?

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2022-06-30 01:57 UTC

You can not find peace by avoiding life. But you can live a more peaceful life by avoiding certain things in life. For me, one of those things I needed less of was caffeine. I was addicted to it, drank enourmous amounts of coffee each day. Then I stopped, and my life became more peaceful. Better sleep, fewer highs and fewer lows, less scouting for the next shot and more relaxation in my breaks. Nowadays I drink coffee on rare occasions, e.g. when I unexpectedly have to drive at night. I needed less caffeine. What do you need less of? How could less enrich your life and peace?

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2022-06-27 00:32 UTC

Another experiment in living with less: I have not worn my smart watch for almost a week now. It felt uncomfortable to not track my activites. Tracked or didn't happen! After a few days uncomfort turned into liberation. I don't need a tracker (anymore) to regularly be active. Freedom? Freedom! #allyouneedisless

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2022-06-21 01:53 UTC

A friend inquired about my exercise routine and willpower. I replied:

Every evening I put my gym clothes on my dresser, including a bottle of water and headphones and the apartment key. Everything that I need to leave immediately after getting up is there.

I make it easy to do the right thing and to save my willpower. I don’t overload my future self but try to help him out. We tend to ask little of our present selfs and burden our future self.

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2022-06-18 22:39 UTC

all you need is less

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