Photos Archive: 2024


Week 52: Staples

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We spent Christmas week in Connecticut this year. While visiting New Haven one day, we found ourselves near the Yale campus, and we took in many of the sights. One that stood out to me was this utility pole, covered in staples left over from various flyers and posters.

Week 51: Mega Rubik's Cube

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I don't buy twisty puzzles very often anymore, but many of my long-time friends still know me for my love of Rubik's Cubes. One of them found a giant cube at a store and immediately bought it for me as an imprompty Christmas present.

Week 50: Fairy Village

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A park in the city features a collection of miniature fairy houses along one of the trails. We've seen many of them before, but this year we were presented with an entire town's worth of houses all in one display. This was one of my favorite exhibits.

Week 49: One of These Things Doesn't Belong

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During our weekly grocery store visit, we headed to the dairy section for milk and eggs. While most of the eggs are white, a few brands sell cartons brown eggs--but today an imposter slipped into one of them.

Week 48: Steam Clock

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Early this week, we made a very short trip to Canada for a family celebration in Vancouver. I'd never been to Canada before, and I greatly enjoyed all the new sights and quirks of Canadian life. One of my favorites was this steam clock.

Week 47: Box of VHSs

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I'm slowly working on a project to digitize all the VHS cassettes I and my parents still own. Several months ago I picked up a parge bin of tapes from their house, but I haven't had time to convert them until recently.

Week 46: Long Time No See

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I played Animal Crossing for Gamecube as a kid, giving my player character the name Joshua. Many versions of Animal Crossing have come out since then, and I haven't booted up the original in many years. One of my villages was there to remind me just how many years it's been. According to his count, the last time I spoke to him was March of 2013!

Week 45: You Dind't Wake Up to Be Average

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There aren't many coffee shops around here that are open late into the evening. We found one this week that had quite a warm and inviting atmosphere. My favorite touch was this inspirational quote on the wall, cheesy as it might be.

Week 44: Street Fashion Pokémon

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A local boba tea shop sells merchandise of various kinds. Some of it is quite cute, but other items make no sense to me. The most perplexing was this set of Charmander and Pikachu figures, in which Pikachu donned a shirt with a crying clown on it.

Week 43: A Quiet Path

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We visited a naerby farm to pick up some produce this week. Farms are a wonderful place: they strike a peculiar balance of idyllic serenity and bustling productivity that is very difficult to find anywhere else. The owners of the farm have more land than we had access to, and this road led to some of it. I wonder what one might find on the other side of the creek.

Week 42: Union Pacific 4014 "Big Boy"

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I had a change to see "Big Boy," a 4-8-8-4 steam locomotive built in 1941 by the American Locomotive Company, arrive in Kansas City in 2021. The UP heritage train came to visit again this week, and I had a narrow window to be able to see it. Fortunately, I found a good spot above the ground that gave me a great view.

Week 41: US Navy Staff Car

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A convoy of vintage military vehicles, driving from Winnipeg to New Orleans, made a stop in Kansas City for a few hours. The group made an impromptu event out of it and displayed their vehicles to the public. One of the sleekest was this privately-owned Packard refurbished to resemble a staff car for the US Navy.

Week 40: New Pocketwatch

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I've wanted to try using a hand-wound mechanical pocketwatch as a daily timepiece for quite some time. As they are now fashion pieces more than useful devices, new pocketwatches are often quite expensive. This watch, made by a Chinese company, was dirt cheap, but it has decent quality for being so economical. I've now used it for a month and I love it.

Week 39: Midwest Sunset

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In rural parts of the American Midwest, there are plenty of open fields in the farmlands and one-storey buildings in town. This makes it easy to view features of the sky that are difficult to see in built-up areas. We often catch the fading glow of the sun as it dips below the horizon--and when clouds are present, some sights are quite striking.

Week 38: Flowery Washroom

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One evening this week, after an exhausting day at work, my wife and I went out for dinner. I needed to make a pit stop before eating, so I ducked into the restroom at the restaurant. What awaited me was a wall of bright, colorful cartoony flowers with huge smiles on their faces. I get that sometimes in life all you need to do is smile, but I'm generally not going to the washroom looking for such sentiments.

Week 37: Regal Deer

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The local Renaissance festival opened a few weekends ago, but we were unable to attend until now. One of our favorite shops has quite an eclectic décor, even by festival standards. It seems every time I visit, I find something new to notice among the clutter. This year we found a flamboyant mounted deer head.

Week 36: Departing UH-1 Iroquois

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An airfield south of the area hosted Friends of Army Aviation, a non-profit dedicated to preserving the history of army aviation. The organization owns two Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopters that served in Vietnam and offers rides in them. This extracted video frame shows the UH-1 departing the field on one such flight.

Week 35: Mocha and Chai Snoozing

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Ferrets often sleep 18 hours a day or more. That falls in line perfectly with the behavior of our ferrets, Mocha and Chai. Their cage has two hammocks; sometimes the ferrets sleep separately, and other times they curl up together to share warmth.

Week 34: Sega NAOMI2

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I own a GD-ROM copy of the original arcade Monkey Ball as well as an original control board (with banana-shaped joystick and all!). However, I didn't own a NAOMI2 arcade board to run the game. This week a friend agreed to sell his to me, along with some peripherals to enable running games over network. I've had little time to dig into it, but I plan to set up Monkey Ball soon.

Week 33: Cucumbers and Tomatoes

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Our garden continues to grow well in the summer warmth. The tomatoes grew rather slowly at first, but fruits are now appearing on the vine in droves. Cucumbers grow more regularly; we see one once every few days or so. Here one of each is laid out on the counter for later use.

Week 32: A Working Payphone in 2024

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Some acquaintances who work in education were staffing an event for back-to-school programs on Saturday. We visited the event to catch up with them and see some of their work. On our way out, I spotted a working payphone next to an administrative office. These are becoming a rare breed in 2024, so I had to take a photo.

Week 31: Mobile Coca-Cola Stand

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A local motorcycle club dedicated to vintage Japanese motorcycles held an event south of town this weekend. The gathering featured bikes of all makes and models spanning several decades of post-war Japanese history. My favorite was this kid-sized Coca-Cola motorcycle, complete with side-car cooler and parasol.

Week 30: Our First Jalapeño

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We've had tending to a home garden for the past few months, and we've harvested a few strawberries from it already, but one of the plants we've been especially excited for is jalapeños. This week we harvested a fully-ripe pepper from the garden and cooked it in a pasta.

Week 29: Big Garden Cucumbers

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Our garden continues to grow and thrive, though it's growing a little more slowly than we expected. While watering our bush pickle cucumbers one evening, I was struck by how massive some of the fruits were. I'm used to seeing pickles about the size of a pencil bag, but these are much larger: one looks more like a squash than a cucumber.

Week 28: Jukebox Full Combo

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I enjoy playing StepManiaX, an arcade game inspired by DanceDance Revolution and Pump It Up. The timing windows in SMX are much tighter than in other games, and I struggle to achieve good scores and avoid missing notes. This week I managed to get a full combo on a 21-rated chart.

Week 27: Ferrets in the Hammock

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Ferrets usually sleep 15 to 18 hours per day. Our cage has several hammocks that the ferrets, Mocha and Chai, can sleep in. Sometimes they sleep separately, and sometimes they curl up together. On this particular afternoon, Mocha and Chai slept in the same hammock.

Week 26: Salad Spill

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One day this week, I was asked to pick up some meals from a nearby store and bring them home for us to eat. My wife ordered a simple salad in a to-go box, which the staff put into a bag. Upon placing the bag onto the passenger seat, it immediately tipped over, and the salad box burst open on the car floor. The staff very kindly replaced the salad for us for free.

Week 25: Japanese Ramen

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Kansas City has a ramen restaurant called KC Craft Ramen. Their base menu is our favorite ramen menu in the area, but sometimes they host chefs from Japan for special events. This week they collaborated with Kanagawa-based Odawara Tanmen to produce a lovely tonkotsu dish.

Week 24: Sleepy Mocha

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Our ferrets, Mocha and Chai, love to chase each other and play with their toys when they're awake. Naturally they run around quite a bit and expend a lot of energy. When they sleep, they sleep very hard, and we often find them lying in all sorts of strange positions. Here Mocha rests with the back half of her body in a hammock and her front paws in the air.

Week 23: Super Tiny Monkey Ball

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The local arcade community supplied cabinets to a gaming event this weekend. One member builds cabinets from scratch, and among his creations is a tabletop version of the original Monkey Ball. At the gaming event, he set up the game on a small portable television from the 1980s. The tiny image and significant input lag from converting the video signal from HDMI to composite RCA made the game almost unplayable.

Week 22: Garden Strawberries

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We built a raised-bed garden in our backyard about six weeks ago and planted several starter plants. They immediately began to brown, and we worried that we'd already killed them, but we soon discovered that the soil was simply too dry. 41 days later and one strict watering regimen later, we now have our first batch of crops, including several strawberries and even a jalapeno pepper.

Week 21: Cabinet Software

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I attended an anime convention over the weekend. The convention featured an arcade gaming room, with machines provided by an outside vendor as well as enthusiasts in the local area. A local owner received a request to load another game on his cabinet, and during the process, we got a rare glimpse of the underlying operating system for the machine. This particular game runs on Windows Embedded 7.

Week 20: Meat Prepping

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In an effort to save money and eat more healthily, we decided to prep several weeks' worth of meals over the weekend. We ultimately made five different recipes of 8 servings each. The process involved cooking almost 15 pounds of meat, an amount I hadn't seen all in one place in a very long time.

Week 19: Aurora Borealis

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My smartphone, a budget Nokia device, has terrible low-light photography. Even at its brightest, the aurora appeared as little more than a very dark-gray blob against an otherwise black sky. This photo comes from my mother, who saw the aurora with us.

Week 18: Four Swords Adventures

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My college friends are big video game fans. In our university days, we used to host weekly retro game nights, in which we would bring over consoles from the 1980s through the early 2000s and relive some cherished childhood memories. Recently they decided to revive the tradition, and we began this week by playing a classic, The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.

Week 17: Contemplative

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To get some exercise this week, I walked along a trail that runs through a nearby park. Several small creeks flow through the park. As I passed one of these, I found a man sitting on the side of the footpath, wordlessly staring at the water. I don't know who he was, why he was there, or what he was thinking about. But I think we could all use some time in silence, just watching the river flow.

Week 16: Baby Birds

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We have a decorative wooden box mounted on the wall of our porch near the door, which holds a few fake plants. A few weeks ago we found that a robin had made its nest in the box and laid four eggs. All four eggs hatched on Wednesday. This picture was taken when the chicks were just six days old.

Week 15: Eclipse on a Phone

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Monday saw a partial solar eclipse pass over the area. We had solar-rated glasses to be able to look at the sun, but we discovered that it was impossible to get a picture on our phones: the remaining glare was just too powerful, and the glasses darked the solar disk too much. However, a crescent was visible in the camera's lens flare. In the absense of more sophisticated equipment, this was good enough.

Week 14: A Little Clearing

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We spent a lot of time on trails over the weekend. The area was heavily wooded, with few features to explore, but one section had some lovely clearings and small meadows tucked alongside. This one looked particularly favorable as a campsite to us.

Week 13: Dyeing Easter Eggs

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I used to dye hard-boiled eggs as a kid, when my family visited my grandparents. The tradition died out by the time I was about 11 years old, and I had never dyed eggs since. My grandmother passed away not long ago, and this year we all had the independent thought to dye eggs as a fun way to remember her. My mother bought a food-safe dye kit, and we went to town on Saturday. Strangely, only the red and blue dye stuck to the egg shell, and only the green was absorbed inside.

Week 12: The City on the Hill

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When I visit Kansas City, a favorite stop of mine is Strawberry Hill, just west of the city center. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church provides one of the best views of the KC skyline anywhere in the area. Surprisingly, even most residents of Kansas City don't seem to know about it.

Week 11: Cloud-to-cloud Lightning

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This week a powerful storm system hit the region. We avoided the worst of the hail and high winds, but we still saw quite a bit of lightning. I wanted to take a photo of the bolts, which was surprisingly hard to do. This was the best shot I could manage.

Week 10: An Old, Tired Tree

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On one of my evening walks, I came across an old tree with a sagging branch. Years of love from the locals--or abuse, depending on one's viewpoint--have left the tree requiring some support. The sign reads: "Please do not climb on ME. I am old. That is why I have a crutch. If they see you climbing on ME, they will cut off my arm. So please, no climbing... but hugs are okay."

Week 09: Containers at Sunset

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One of my cycling routes takes me through an industrial park on the outskirts of town. There are many large warehouses and a bustling train yard nearby, but undeveloped farmland surrounds them, and I don't have to share the backroads with pedestrians or other cyclists. Of course, most of the warehouses are designed with intermodal shipping in mind, and stacks of containers are littered everywhere. This one seemed rather najestic to me, like a series of cliffs.

Week 08: What Happened to Greenland?

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My wife and I visited an arts and crafts shop a few days ago. I hadn't been to one in a while, and while she picked out decorations and tools, I wandered down the aisles. This scrapbook, adorned with a world map stylized to look like paint splotches, caught my eye. Most of the world looked okay, but Greenland was in bad shape.

Week 07: Test-running PIU

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We have owned a Pump It Up arcade machine for many years, but when we moved into our current house, we discovered that the cabinet did not fit in our basement. We decided to take the metal dance pads downstairs by themselves and set up a community build of PIU on a standard computer. I finally got around to configuring the dance pads this week.

Week 06: Chai and Mocha Eat an Egg

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Ferrets are not treat-driven animals: on the contrary, they tend to imprint on the food they eat regularly and dislike trying new things. One treat the ferrets love, however, is an egg yolk. Chai (left) and Mocha (right) are seen enjoying the snack here.

Week 05: Sunbeams on Ice

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After a rough few weeks with busy work shifts and freezing temperatures, I had a chance to get out and visit a park in the city. The weather was beautiful, the melting snow revealed still-green grass underneath, and the sidewalks and trails were packed with walkers. I caught this shot of a pond in the park when relatively few people were nearby.

Week 04: StepManiaX Improvement

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On of my friends from the arcade community has agreed to exercise weekly with me. Our routine usually consists of going to a local arcade and playing a dance game there for a few hours. StepManiaX is rapidly becoming one of my favorite dance games, and we decided to play it this week. My accuracy in the game is much improved since I first played it in 2022.

Week 03: Iced Wash Fluid

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An unusually-strong cold snap hit the American Midwest over the last few weeks; in our region, some days had a daily high temperature below 0 F (-18 C). Many filling stations have a container of wash fluid that customers can use to clean their car windows, but the stations usually empty the containers before it gets this cold. I had never seen the liquid actually frozen before today.

Week 02: In Emergency, Break Case

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A family friend flew into town to visit for a few days this week. We arrived at the airport quite early on the day of his flight, so we decided to park and wait inside the terminal. A fire extinguisher was mounted on the pillar next to our parking space. Its metal case had seen better days.

Week 01: Cabinet Reflections

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A cabinet in our bathroom has three doors, each covered with a mirror. I keep my things on one side and my wife keeps hers on the other. It's not common for us to use the cabinet at the same time, but when it happens, the doors create a series of reflections similar to a hall of mirrors. One particular pattern caught my eye this week.


Up One Level
