Hi there! I'm Arthur, French software engineer. I write here about things.
2024-04-07 - 🎬 - All my friends hate me (2021)
2024-04-06 - 📖 - Thoughts - Imaginary worlds
2024-04-06 - 🎬 - Damsel (2024)
2023-02-16 - 🎙 - Trivia Focus #003 - Women Workers
2023-01-14 - 🍔 - Galette des Rois
2023-01-12 - 🎙 - Trivia Focus #002 - Bicycle Day
2023-01-07 - 🎮 - Innovation (2010) [board game]
2023-01-05 - 🎙 - Trivia Focus #001 - Friday 13th
2022-01-03 - 📚 - 2022's Reading List
2023-01-02 - 📚 - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968)
2023-01-02 - 📚 - Voyage au bout de la nuit (1932)
2023-01-02 - 📚 - To Say Nothing of the Dog (1998)
2023-01-01 - 📚 - Nous Autres (1920)
2023-01-01 - 📚 - The Grapes of Wrath (1939)
Feel free to contact me if you have any feedback or comment about this little piece of small web.
Email: gemini@hoa.ro
HTTP Web: https://hoa.ro
Twitter: @ArthurHoaro
Mastodon: @ArthurHoaro@framapiaf.org