πŸ“£ Post by MostlyHarmless


Heck yes I’d LOVE to apply for your store’s credit card. Let’s go through the entire process now, while the shoppers in line behind me fantasize about my brutal murder.



πŸ”„ JustFrank

πŸ’¬ Replies

2024-11-30 SkipHuffman

@MostlyHarmless would be an interesting anti consumption protest to flash mob a store and block all the registers while filling out credit card applications and store loyalty cards. With […]

2024-11-30 ionlytweetcrap

@MostlyHarmless "Sorry, I can't fill it out while there are other checkout lines open."

2024-11-29 freequaybuoy

@MostlyHarmless You want me to fill out a form? Now? ARE YOU CRAZY??

2024-11-29 An0n

Don't forget to ask lots of questions!


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