💬 Reply by futurebird

2024-12-07 ┃ RE: futurebird

Naturally children will be curious about violence, and about scary and shocking things. And these topics should be a part of children's media. And, maybe this is unreasonable of me, but they should be treated with care.
This kind of trash content cheapens violence as a form of amusement. There are often also hints at frankly sexual themes for the same reason.
YouTube has gotten better about not allowing such stuff to be labeled as "for kids" but I don't think that has changed much.



💬 Replies

2024-12-07 nblr ┃ edited

@futurebird Also the story lines and scenes are inconsistent fragments that, once put together, don't make much sense. I can just guess what kind of havoc that wreaks inside a developing mind.

2024-12-07 michael_w_busch

This is why I do not yet let my daughter have unsupervised access to YouTube.

2024-12-07 superflippy

@futurebird On TikTok, older kids are deliberately generating disturbing cartoons to upset little kids. I tried to explain to my kids why this is bad and wrong.

2024-12-07 futurebird ┃ edited ┃ 2💬

Yes I'm mad that the video treats the ants like a cheap monster of the week. But what is worse is that it treats the pain and suffering of the character the child might identify with as silly […]


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