[Creepy "kid's content"]
The onslaught of terrible partially machine generated "children's" content continues. There has been some mitigation since the first boom about two years ago, but clearly a lot of very young people (1.5 - 4 years old) are still clearly spending a lot of time watching this stuff or they wouldn't still be making it. And the ONLY people who could stand to watch it are toddlers.
#media #kidsMedia #AI #content
@futurebird It's funny when you realize how much this pales in comparison to old folklore though. So many old tales consist of kids being eaten or cursed because they made the tiniest error […]
[Creepy "kid's content"]
[Creepy "kid's content"]
Naturally children will be curious about violence, and about scary and shocking things. And these topics should be a part of children's media. And, maybe this is unreasonable of me, but they […]