πŸ’¬ Reply by futurebird

2024-12-06 ┃ RE: DrorBedrack

@DrorBedrack Even getting consensus on the notion that there *is* a social problemβ€” let alone agreeing it *should* be solved and then finding steps to solve it seems impossible on some days.
But, it would be silly to give up, right?




πŸ’¬ Replies

2024-12-06 oehlda2000 ┃ 1πŸ‘€

There's even 2 terms for those I've heard: "wicked problems" and something like meta-complex or super complex problems.

2024-12-06 piyuv ┃ 1πŸ‘€

@futurebird @DrorBedrack some people would rather destroy the earth than to agree that there’s a problem


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