📣 Post by futurebird

2024-12-06 ┃ edited

"In the future if we can solve the problem of producing resources enough for everyone."
The future is now. The problem is solved. We produce enough for everyone and more but fail to distribute it and that is a great cause of pessimism for me about far future dreams like exploring the solar system, or expanding beyond the planet.
We can look at a solved problem and pretend it isn't solved because ... ?
Well you explain it to me. #resources #space #future



🔄 dalias

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💬 Replies

2024-12-13 theothersparrow

I recall somewhere a conversation about Star Trek's replicators, someone saying they'd solve for inequality
And someone responded that they had it backwards; Trek got replicators because they […]

2024-12-06 samuel

@futurebird so the problem isn't producing but distribution.
And the underlying problem to that is globalism and large business models.

2024-12-06 Crow ┃ edited

@futurebird they don't say it out loud much but the Musk colony on Mars? He recently admitted/bragged that he would take indentured workers as the basis of the colony. I've been saying for […]

2024-12-06 asakiyume

@futurebird The problem for humanity isn't an exterior one, it's an interior one (how we define "other"; what we perceive as threats, how much we think we should have as opposed to how much we […]

2024-12-06 econads

because it's going to involve most people in the western world having less. I read recently minimum wage in the US puts you in the global top 10%. So it's easier to just throw up […]

2024-12-06 DrorBedrack ┃ 1💬

@futurebird the social problem is definitely harder than the technological one

2024-12-06 mcc ┃ edited ┃ 1💬

@futurebird You asked elsewhere about self-sustaining space stations. One question I was thinking is why don't we start with a more solvable problem, like self-sustaining communities in the […]


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