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Lower-cost sodium-ion batteries are finally having their moment
World's largest battery maker touts second-generation sodium-ion battery.





šŸ’¬ Replies

2024-12-06 number6

Only 20% less expensive. I'm not sure if that's enough to propel a revolution.

2024-12-06 ecksearoh

@arstechnica it's a less destructive technology but I don't see anything about it being a vast improvement in energy storage, I'm still waiting for that news article.

2024-12-06 P2

So it was all about lower costs. What happened to aluminium battery deveploment?

2024-12-06 Tomoko_Kuroki

@arstechnica I wanna know if we could see regular alkaline batteries (AA, AAA, C, D) replaced with these kinds of batteries. I always wanted to see rechargeable lithium ion batteries but have [ā€¦]

2024-12-06 semitones

@arstechnica Just 2 years away from mass production; hopefully this ends up more environmentally friendly than li-on

2024-12-06 nyrath

Personally I think immunity from thermal runaway in sodium batteries makes them superior to lithium batteries, even with lithium batt higher power density.

2024-12-06 Sempf

"Anything new in batteries?"


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