Literally anyone who I like, or has good information. I'm sometimes a bit of an amoeba and absorb parts from people. This list will be updated as I get around to it.
This is the one Youtuber who managed to introduce me and get me interested in the Gemini Protocol. He has also inspired me to broaden my use of linux and FOSS. For some reason, I don't know why, but when I try to view his capsule on amphora, I get a connection refused error. I can access it on the Brave browser. One of these days I'll figure out why (and change this part). I'll link it here if you don't know about it.
Not only was he a hard ass who drilled learning scouting skills into us, he was also an electrician, which may have somehow influenced my career choice.
This goes without saying, but they've stuck together for a long time, put up with my siblings and me. Now they get to be retired and enjoy being grandparents!
A retired electrical engineer and former high school teacher with a great YouTube channel. He is great at teaching the basics while encouraging his students/subscribers to delve into the more complicated aspects of what was just taught. This is a guy I wish I got to learn from years ago, likewise, I've never known him in person.